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Am I seriously making a oneshot book while I have like four books that I haven't updated in forever? Yes. Yes, I am. Anyways, welcome to my Descendants Oneshot book! You can request pretty much anything you want: ships, crossovers, friendships, and AUs. I don't write smut, but I can work with pretty much anything else. I am better at writing darker stuff, so... Keep that in mind.

Ships I Will Not Write:

Mal x Harry (I'm sorry, this one just rubs me the wrong way. If you're insanely curious as to why, PM me and I'll be happy to answer, I don't want to rant/offend anyone.)

Mal x Uma- The only circumstance I will write this ship in is as follows: toxic, unrequited crush from either side back when they were friends on the Isle.

Ben x Mal- Unless you want me to make it toxic.

I'm less comfortable with pretty much any ship that has Mal in it (because I always end up writing it as toxic as I think it is), but if you have a really great request where it isn't toxic, then I can try.

I have a tendency to write the characters as polyamorous (since I low key headcanon a lot of them as poly... They all have two hands, just saying.), especially if I'm writing ships that deviate from my main OTPs (which mostly is just Huma, how much I care about the others depends on the day). So... if you REALLY don't want me to do that, just specify.

That's pretty much it. I'll appreciate any requests, comments, or votes!

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