Double Date Disaster

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A/N: So, this oneshot takes place after D3. It's kind of, but not exactly canon-divergent. I consider it an interpretation of canon. This chapter features Harry and Uma, and Ben and Mal (Audrey, Evie, and Carlos are mentioned). It came out way more dramatic than I'd originally planned, but I eventually decided to just lean into it. Let me know what you think!

Inspired by a request from: Baddass_Princess (I know this might not be exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!)

"So... How did you two meet?"

Uma stifles a groan at Ben's question. Not even one minute in, and this was already torture.

Although, what else could she expect from a double date with her oldest sworn enemy and the king of Auradon. That's not to say that she hasn't been trying to rekindle her old friendship with Mal, and she and Ben had actually been getting on pretty well since she came to Auradon. But being with them when they're together...

She isn't sure how to explain it. It just feels strange.

But when Mal had presented the double date idea initially, Uma had unfortunately been unable to come up with an excuse to say no.

Of course, looking back on it, what she should have said was, "Me and Harry aren't dating."

And it wouldn't have even been a lie.

... Not completely, anyway.

But now she found herself on a picnic blanket across from Mal and Ben, a bunch of plates of sandwiches and cheese and grapes and other assorted picnic foods between them, overlooking the clear, blue, sparkling Enchanted Lake.

How romantic.

The silence is almost palpable as Uma shoves a sandwich into her mouth to stall for a little bit. However, Harry jumps in and says, "We met down at the docks on the Isle back when we were little kids. Been inseparable ever since."

Ben smiles, Mal gives a little nod, and Uma attempts to keep the conversation going, "What about you guys? I mean, obviously when Mal first came to Auradon-"

Mal laughs, "Oh, it's kind of a funny story, actually. When we drove in on the limo, you know Auradon, they had brought a whole welcome wagon to greet us, the band, Ben, Fairy Godmother, and of course Audrey was there hanging off of Ben's arm like usual."

Harry and Uma send each other a confused glance. Does Mal really still carry some resentment towards Audrey for her relationship with Ben?

When they both steal a look at him, however, he doesn't even seem to have noticed. He's just sitting there and smiling at his fiancé fondly.

Mal continues, not even noticing, "... And then Audrey told Evie that she didn't count as a real princess here. It broke her poor little heart at the time-"

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt," Harry cuts in a little forcefully, "But I thought this story was supposed to be about you and Ben. Not Audrey."

Mal smiles bashfully and lets out a little laugh, "Right, of course. It's just that thinking back to those times reminds me of how things used to be. Audrey wasn't the nicest to me or my friends when we first got here."

Ben rubs Mal's back supportively, and she smiles at him while Harry and Uma resist the urge to roll their eyes.

"Sounds like you still kind of hold a grudge against her," Uma observes.

Mal holds up her hands in defense, "No, of course not! Audrey's changed, she's a much better person now. It's just that we have to hold people accountable for their actions from the past, even if we know that they've outgrown the way they used to be."

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