Chapter 8

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(a/n: Pretend the 2nd movie takes place 2 years after the first one.)

*Next Christmas Eve*

"TEDDY!!!" "WHATTTTT!!!!!!" "Come here!!" "You come here!" "Please!?" "Fine!" Kate and I were sitting on the couch and we heard something. So we yelled for Teddy. We were worried someone might have been trying to break in. "What's wrong?" He asked as he saw us. "There's a bunch of noise coming from outside." Kate said a bit scared. "It's probably nothing." Teddy said. He went to the door and I followed. He opened it and there it was. Santa's sleigh. "Woah!" "What is i-" kate paused as she saw the sleigh. "No way! Come on guys we have to go. We need to see Santa again!" "No way." Teddy said. "Come on it'll be fun!" I said pulling his arm. "Fine!" We all grabbed our coats and put on our boots. Then we went outside. Kate showed me how to get on the sleigh and then we jumped in. After a few moments someone else jumped into the sleigh. There were these two girls. "Looks like we weren't the only one with this idea." One of the girls said while pointing at us. "Hi, I'm Sara and this is Danielle my younger sister." "Hi, I'm Emma, this is Kate, and this is Teddy." "It's good to meet you guys." "You too." Kate then said, "Is this your first time in the sleigh?" "Yeah. How about you." Danielle said excited. "Well it's mine and my brother Teddy's second time, but it's Chloe's first time." "Cool." "Well Danielle we should probably get out soon." "Ye-" She was cut off by someone else jumping in the sleigh. It was him. Before we could say anything, we were off. "Crap!" I said. "Danielle I should have never agreed to come up here. Dad is going to kill us if he finds out." "Too late now." After being in the air for about two minutes we landed again. "Teddy!?! Kate?!? What are you doing here?!?!" "SANTA!" Kate shouted as she hugged Santa. "Teddy Peirce... explain." Santa said. Then Teddy said as fast as possible, "Well Kate and Emma heard something outside so they wanted me to see what is was Emma and I went to the door and saw the sleigh then Kate saw it and she had the great idea of getting in it again then Emma agreed and how could I say no to that so then we got in the sleigh and then Sara and Danielle climbed in and then you got in and took off. Wow now I'm really out of breath." I chuckled at Teddy's last sentence then Santa said, "Well if it isn't Emma Johnson. How did I know Teddy and Kate would pull this again, but this time with you?" "Maybe because in the one night they spent with you, you got to know them." "Teddy. Are you still stealing cars?" "Last time was on Christmas Eve last year." "Good... Good... Sara and Danielle Wright... Now, Do Danielle have you been keeping your sister out of trouble?" "As if that's possible." Santa shook his head in disappointment. I wonder what they were talking about. "Well we need to get you guys home before someone thinks I kidnapped you." "But Santa it's been a while year since we've seen you." Kate said. "We don't need the cops thinking I kidnapped you for a second time." "PLEASEEEEEEEE!" Kate and I both said at the same time. "Wow Teddy you were right. I guess you guys can tag along one more time. But that's it!" "Yes!" We all got excited and Santa went and delivered the gifts for the kids on the street. "Okay everyone. Back in the sleigh." We climbed in and I had Kate on my left and Danielle was next to her. Then on my right was Teddy and Sara. The two girls seemed nice. Sara was about mine and Teddy's age, and Danielle is about Kate's age. They are both sweet, but Sara keeps eyeing Teddy. But I'm sure it's nothing. "Okay everyone hold on tight." Santa said. Teddy held out his hand for me and I took it. But as I looked over I saw Sara holding his arm with her head in his shoulder. Kate and Danielle were both laughing and getting to know each other. After about 15 minutes there was a loud rumble. The whole sleigh shook and we started to fall. "Kids hold on!" We all huddled together. After a few seconds there was a huge impact. We got out and Santa was laying on his back in the snow covered ground. "SANTA!" We all yelled. We ran over to Santa to see if he was okay. "He's not breathing." Teddy said worried. "I've got this!" Kate said. "What?" I asked confused. "Mom taught me CPR in case of an emergency." After a few moments of worrying Santa took a deep breath. Kate hugged him and he said, "I'm starting to think you Pierce kids are bad luck." We all laughed and helped him up. "Oh no! The sleigh!" Santa said as he ran over to it. It was completely wrecked. "Oh no! What are we gonna do?!?" Sara and Danielle both asked. "The same thing as last year." "What do you mean?" "We're all going to help!" "No no no no." Santa said. "Wait why?" Teddy asked. "Last year was nearly ruined when the sleigh crashed." "Yeah, but we helped save the day." Teddy said. "Teddy, doesn't this place look fimiliar?" "Huh... It does." "That's because we're in chicago." "Wow two crashes in the same place." "Wow! Two crashes ever!" Santa said sarcasticly. "Come on Santa we can help." "Fine. But this is the last time!" "Yes!" "Kate, you and Danielle get the elf's, Teddy and Sara you fix the sleigh Em-" "Wait, why doesn't Emma stay with me instead." Teddy cut him off. "Well you and Sara are the only two that know something about rewiring a car. So you can do the same for my sleigh. Plus I'm going to have Emma help me deliver the gifts." "Wait what!?!" "Come on! Now you know what your helping with, let's get to work and save Christmas!" Santa said. After that Kate and Danielle climbed into the toy bag and Teddy and Sara got to work. Then Santa and I grabbed the bag and climbed onto Vixen and Prancer. We then got to the neighborhood. I would hand Santa gifts and tell him which house. He would go through the chimney and then come right back out. It seemed like it only took 2 seconds.

*To be continued*

(A/n: hope you all enjoyed.)

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