Chapter 7

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Dear Diary,

     So, Teddy and I are going strong again. He has definitely changed. He hasn't hung out with his so called friends, he hasn't had any alcohol, and he has been a lot nicer to Kate. I am so glad that he is back to the old Teddy. That is who I really missed.

So right now it is the day before New Years Eve. I am about to pick up Kate because we are going shopping. Her and I both want to get a cute outfit to bring in the New Year. "Hey Kate!" "Hello! You ready?" "Yeah, let's gooooo!" I said while starting to drive.

*At the mall*

"What about this one?" Kate asked While showing me a dress. "Oh hell no! Do you want our mom's to kill me?" "I guess your right. But we need to find something just perfect to where our mom's won't kill you and Teddy wouldn't be able to resist you." "You realize that would make our mom's kill Teddy right?" "Okay well then you can keep him in line." "I guess." "So let's keep looking." "Yeah." We kept looking and finally we found something for us both.

" We kept looking and finally we found something for us both

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(Silver for Emma and Gold for Kate but pretend her dress has straps

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(Silver for Emma and Gold for Kate but pretend her dress has straps.)

"Perfect!" We both said at the same time. "Teddy won't be able to take his eyes off you!" I chuckled a little at what she said. Then we went to pay for the dresses. After we payed, we went and drove around for a bit. "So when we get back we should get dressed and then we can do our hair." "Sounds great."

*Back at the Pierce house*

We walked in the house and went up to Kate's room and changed our clothes and did our hair. I braided the front parts of my hair and then I curled the rest. Then I tied the braids to the back par of my hair. We fixed Kate's hair and then went downstairs. By now it was about 10. We walked downstairs and Teddy and our mom's were standing there. "Woah!" Teddy said which made us all laugh. "Who wants to eat?" Claire said. "Meeeeeee!" Kate replied. Mrs. Pierce and my mom made tacos. "This is amazing!" I said after taking a bite of a taco. "Why thank you." Both mom's said at the same time.

*After they ate*

We were all sitting on the couch and watches Stranger Things. Teddy and I didn't realize it, but we were the only two awake. Then we realized that it was 11:50. We quickly woke everyone up and then went outside. Before we knew it, we were starting the countdown. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I put my arms around Teddy's neck and kissed him passionately. He had his hands around my waist and once we pulled apart I leaned my head on his chest. "Happy new year." I whispered in his ear. "Happy new year beautiful." He whispered back. Kate, Claire, and my mom all went back in the house and fell asleep. Teddy and I sat outside and made a fire. I was sitting on his lap with my head on his chest and a blanket over us. He used his thumb and rubbed circles on my back. His warm hands on my semi cold body made me feel so warm and fuzzy on them inside. "I love you Teddy Pierce." "I love you too Emma Johnson." His words sent chills down my spine. I'm so glad I have found someone as amazing at Teddy. I wouldn't change anything for the world. He's the perfect one for me. I couldn't possibly be in more love. This is my true love.

(A/n: sorry it's a little short. Hope you all like. Currently it's Christmas night, so I hope you all had an amazing Christmas.)

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