Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

So, today Teddy and I went out to the park and had ice cream. Then when we got back to his house his parents and Kate were dancing around listening to music. So Teddy and I decided to join them. I love the Pierce's so much. They are pretty much my family. It means so much that they allow me to stay here while my parents are figuring things out. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my parents can't stop arguing. I haven't been home in a few days, but I've been staying with Teddy and his family. I really greatfull that I have them. Well anyways, ttyl!


I sat down on the couch feeling quite upset. I miss being able to go home without hearing screaming and arguing and cussing. "Hey, you okay?" Teddy said while sitting next to me. "Yeah. I'm fine." "No your not." "Yes I am." "I know when you lie." "I'm just worried about my parents. I just want them to be back to how they were when they were happy." He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. I then looked up and said, "I think I should go home. To make sure everything is okay. And if it's not, then to get a change of clothes." "Okay, I'll drive you." "Thanks." We went and told his parents where we were going and then we headed out. Once we pulled up to my house Teddy asked me, "Do you want me to wait outside just in case?" "Could you just come in with me?" "Of course." He parked the car and we got out. I grabbed my house key and opened the door. The second I opened it I could smell alcohol. It was so strong that it was giving me a headache. I opened the door scared to see what was inside. "Emmmmmmaaaaa!" I heard my dad yelling. Yup he's for sure drunk. "Hey dad." I said quietly. My mom walked downstairs and said hi to Teddy and I. Then my mom and dad started to yell again. I just took Teddy's hand and started to take him upstairs until my dad said, "Where you taking him to. You are such a slut." "SHUT UP DAVE!" my mom yelled at my dad. I real quick ran upstairs and grabbed my essentials and then went back downstairs. I said bye to my mom and we left. While driving back to Teddy's house I stared out the window. I didn't want to talk. I was so upset I would probably cry the second I open my mouth. We pulled into the driveway and Teddy said, "I'm so sorry about your parents." "It's fine." He put his hand on my knee in a comforting way. "Listen, I'm here for you, I always have been and I always will be. I'll be there when you need me. I love you way too much to let you hurt. So if you ever need anything, or if you want to talk to someone, then I will always be listening." A single tear rolled down my cheek. "Thank you." he kissed me softly making sure I knew he was being serious. We walked into the house and I put my stuff in Teddy's room. I then went back downstairs and went to the kitchen. "Hey Emma!" Kate said as she stood next to me. "Hey Kate!" I hugged her from the side and then I brought my attention to Claire (A/N: Teddy and Kate's mom) "You guys are making eggnog already?!?" "It's never too early." We all laughed at their mom's remark. "So, where's dad?" Teddy asked. "He had to leave. Another fire call." Even if Teddy didn't say it, you could tell he hated when Doug would leave for a fire call, Teddy was always so worried but like I said, he doesn't say anything. "Teddy, can I speak to you real quick?" "Yeah." We walked to the front room and  I said, "I know your worried about your dad. But he will be fine, just like he always is." "I know he will be, but it's just hard to think about the fact that he will be fine when he's running into fires." I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. "Everything will be okay." He nodded slightly and then he and I walked back to the kitchen. "Is there anything left for us to help with?" I asked. "Always." Teddy and I started helping make the eggnog. We all sang Christmas songs and danced while making the eggnog. "mmmm! This is amazing!" Kate said. "Yeah, after the hard work we put into this, I can say if was worth it." Claire said. "Well we should head to bed." Teddy said ruining the fun. "Your right." Claire replied. "Do you have work tomorrow?" Kate asked. "Yes, sorry sweetie I do. That mean That you two are in charge." Claire said while pointing to Teddy and I. "Okay, well goodnight everyone." "Goodnight." "Night." Teddy and I walked upstairs and I went into the bathroom to change. I put on grey sweats and a white sports bra crop top. As I walked into Teddy's room I grabbed one of his hoodies. "Wow! You look stunning." Teddy said as I walked in. I chuckled and shook my head then got into the covers. We both laid down and said goodnight, and then fell asleep.

*Few hours later*


I woke up and it was about one AM. I walked downstairs to get some water, and I heard crying. I look in the kitchen and saw Claire. "Mrs. Pierce? Whats wrong?" "Oh Emma, sweetie, it's nothing." "It's obviously something. Whats going on?" "About 10 minutes ago I got a call. They said Doug passed away. He got to much smoke in his lungs and he stopped breathing." "Oh My God I'm so sorry." I ran over to her and hugged her. "Wait, dad's dead?" We heard from behind me. It was Teddy. I went over to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Teddy." "Why don't you to get some more rest, and we can talk when you wake up." Claire said. "See you in the morning." I said as Teddy and I walked back to his room. We both got in the bed and laid there silently. Teddy sat up, so I did as well and we stayed up until the sunrise, and we still didn't say anything.

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