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I was still sitting in the sofa on my phone waiting for Tony to be back from his meeting with ondreaz

Then I heard the front door open

I jumped out my seat and ran to the door and there I saw Tony and ondreaz

I ran and jumped on Tony and luckily he he caught me and hugged me tightly

Tony: aww did you miss me ba- y/n

Y/n: of course I missed my boyf-bestfriend yeah my bestfriend

Ondreaz: oh my god

Tony and y/n: what

Ondreaz: y'all are dating

Y/n: what no

Ondreaz: yes you are Tony almost called you babe and you almost said he was your boyfriend I know y'all are dating so don't lie

Tony: we actually aren't dating

Ondreaz: don't lie

Y/n: we aren't lying we aren't official but we like eachother ok

Ondreaz: ok I have to tell everyone I've been waiting for this

Tony: no bro don't

Ondreaz: why

Y/n: we don't want them to know yet we will tell them where we are official but we are taking things slow at the moment

Ondreaz: ok I see lil bro to scared to pop the question

Tony: nah bro why would I be scared of asking her if I know she likes me back but I'm not gonna ask her straight away it was only last night we said we like eachother do you not know what taking things slow means

Ondreaz: no because I'm never in a relationship as good as yours and mine always go to shit " he said fake crying"

Y/n: awww dre

I jump out of Tony's arms and hug ondreaz

Ondreaz hugs me back while Tony is standing there looking sus

Ondreaz: bro why you looking at us like that

Tony: y'all seem just very close to eachother

Y/n: well yeah he's my big bro don't get jealous now helicopter boy

Ondreaz: yeah bro she's my lil sis

Tony: ok but can I have my girl back now " he says opening his arms"

Y/n: firstly I'm technically not yours and I'm quite comfy here " I said then hugged ondreaz tighter"

Tony: okkkkkk I know we aren't official buttttt pleasee can I have my bestfriend back then

Y/n: like I said I'm pretty comfy here with my bro

Ondreaz: yeah I'm with my sis right now sorry


Tony then walks away to his room all sad

As soon as he's gone ondreaz and I burst out laughing

Ondreaz: oh my god he's such a baby "he said laughing"

Y/n: I know anyway I better go and check on him

Ondreaz: ok I'll see y'all later

Y/n: bye wait how did the meeting go I would have asked your together but yeah he left

Ondreaz: it was good but Tony wouldn't stop watching your tiktok and was literally drooling over it

Y/n: I'm sorry I'll go check on him now bye

I go to Tony's room and knock on the door

No one answers so I just walk in

Once I walk in I see Tony cuddling a pillow and his eyes teary

I walk over to him and sit next to him

Y/n: whats wrong

Tony: nothing I'm fine

Y/n: no your not fine please tell me it's your feelings and I care about them please just tell me

Tony: you did this to me " he says pointing at himself"

Y/n: well then imma do it more often because you look hella cute right now

Tony chuckles a bit then pulls me down next to him

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek

Y/n: oh my god


Y/n: I know why your upset now

Tony: why

Y/n: you were jealous of me and Dre

Tony: what no

Y/n: Antonio Levi Lopez don't lie to me

Tony: ok fine I was jealous

Y/n: why

Tony: because you two were so close and you wouldn't come to me

Y/n: aww bubba " as soon as I say that Tony's face lights up" don't be jeal-

I got cut off by Tony smashing his lips onto mine giving me a passionate loving kiss

His tongue then asks for enterance but I deny it and pull away

Tony: hey I was enjoying that kiss

Y/n: so was I but if I didn't pull away we wouldn't have stopped

Tony: okay good point

Y/n: anyway as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me

Tony: hey that was not rude that was loving

Y/n: if you say so lopez anyway don't be jealous of me and ondre cause he's like my big bro okay and as he's said before he only likes me as a lil sis okay

Tony: okay

Y/n: let's go see what everyone else is doing

Tony: okay Tony says grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers and walking out his room

A/n: sorry this ones a little short

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