Amusment park

474 7 5

We walked through the doors and went to get out tickets

Everyone payed for there's so I went to get mine

Y/n: hi can I have a ticket please

Worker:yeah sure

Y/n: thanks

As I went to pay someone pulled me back abit and handed them their card

I looked up and it was Tony

Y/n:what are you doing

Tony: paying

Y/n: why I have money you know

Tony: yeah but I would rather you save your money so I thought I would pay

I knew I couldn't stop him cause he already payed

Y/n: fine whatever

I then got my ticket and started to walk away with everyone

Then someone came and stood next to me and grabbed my hand

It was Tony

I looked up at him and smiled

Thomas: what do you guys wanna do

Kouvr: can we go on rides

Mia: then get food

Y/n: then when the sun is setting go on the Ferris wheel

Micheal: I guess we got to say yes cause these girls will get what they want either way

Boys: true

Girls: come on let's go

The first ride we went to was this small rollercoaster

Addison: y/n can I sit next to you please

Y/n: yeah sure

I then looked up at Tony and he was looking down at me pouting

Y/n: aww I'll ride with you on the next one okay

Tony: noooo I wanna be with you all the time

Addison: Tony why are you so clingy

Tony: hey leave me alone

Y/n: Tony come on the rides like 2 minutes long

Tony: yeah that's 2 minutes I have to stay away from you that's long

Y/n: stop being a big baby

Ondreaz: come on bro you can sit with me

Tony: fine " he said annoyed"

Y/n: don't be annoyed baby " I whispered in his ear then kissed his cheek and went to Addison"

I looked back at Tony and he was stood frozen I just laughed to myself

I got on the ride next to Addison and everyone else got on with who they were sitting next to

Addison: you excited

Y/n: duhhh

In reality I wasn't

I hated rollercoasters with a passion

But I think I'll be okay on this one

It's not that big

But any bigger ones and we have a problem

The ride started and soon enough it was over

Addison: that was fun

I nodded my head and we got off the ride and went to everyone else

Perfect 😍//TONY LOPEZ Where stories live. Discover now