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After the movie had finished everyone was just sitting in the living room talking

I started to get tired and I yawned

Tony: you tired bubba

Y/n: mhm " I hummed nodding my head"

Tony: come on let's head up to bed

Y/n: can you carry me please

Tony: sure babe

Tony picked me up and we said night to everyone then he carried me upstairs

As we got into his bedroom he put me down on his bed

Y/n: babe can I have some of your clothes please

Tony: yeah of course baby

Tony went into his closet and got me one of his hoodies and some of his comfy shorts (they are like sweatpants but shorts version if yk what I mean)

I stood up and took the clothes from him

Y/n: thanks bub

I then kissed his cheek and started to get changed

Tony: woah babe I'm right here "he said then quickly turned around"

Y/n: babe it's okay you can look

Tony: but I don't wanna intrude your privacy

Y/n: Tony baby we are dating now okay it's okay it look

Tony: no I don't wanna disrespect you

Damn this boy is hella respectful of women ugh I love hi- wait I um uhhh

Y/n: okay babe I mean you don't have to look I guess

I carried in getting charged then went into his bathroom to brush my teeth

Y/n: babe

Tony: yeah what's up " he said walking into the bathroom"

Y/n: can I use your toothbrush

Tony: don't you think that's a bit disgusting babe

Y/n: but I can't be bothered to get mine please

Tony: okay fine but if I get ill it's your fault

Y/n: whatever " I said then giggling"

I brushed my teeth and as I looked up into his mirror I saw a massive purple mark on my neck

This damn boy did not give me a hickey what the fuck ugh I'm gonna kill him


Tony ran into the bathroom

Tony: what what happened are you okay

Y/n: no I'm not okay

Tony: why what's wrong did I do something

Y/n: yes you did

Tony: what ever it was babe I'm really sorry I don't know what I did but I'm really sorry

Y/n: oh so you didn't know you gave me a massive hickey on my neck

Tony: oh my god thank god I thought I actually did something and you was gonna break up with me

Y/n: I might

Tony: babe don't be dramatic

Y/n: what do you mean don't be dramatic you gave me a massive hickey on my neck and your telling me not to be dramatic

Tony: it's fine babe you can just cover it with foundation or something

Y/n: ARE YO- actually that's a good idea thanks babe

I then went over to him and kissed his cheek

Tony: okay then " he chuckled and walked out the bathroom"

Soon I walked out the bathroom to see Tony already in bed

I walked over to the bed and hopped in and cuddled right up to Tony's chest

Then I remembered about the hickey he gave me so I decided to act mad

Y/n: actually no " I said then turned over so I was facing away from him"

Tony: babe what are you doing

I ignored him

Tony: babe come back here " he said pulling me closer to him"

Tony: babe are you mad

I still ignored him

Tony: okay looks like we are doing this the hard way then

Tony started to tickle me

Let me tell you I hate being tickled


Tony: will you cuddle with me


Tony stopped ticking me and just smirked at me

Y/n: don't give me that look

Tony: what look

Y/n: the one where you smirk cause you think your funny

Tony: oh baby I don't think I know I'm funny

Y/n: whatever

Tony: now come here

He pulls me closer to him and I give in and cuddle up to him with my head on his chest and my leg going over one of his

Tony: where you actually mad at me

Y/n: no I was just pretending

Tony: good

Y/n: why

Tony: cause I don't think I could stand you not talking to me and being mad at me

Y/n: awww bubba

Then Tony kissed me forehead and I started to fall asleep

The last thing I heard was Tony whispering

Tony: goodnight baby

Then I fell asleep

A/n: sorry this one is a bit short I wanted to update but I didn't know what to post so if you have any ideas please let me know thank you 😊

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