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We all got into the cars I was in Tony's car with Tony, ondreaz, nick, Ryland and me

Obviously I was in shotgun because I'm Tony's favourite

"To the beach we go" tony shouted turning on the radio and putting it full blast

As we were driving i just put my head against the window and looked at the world going by

I started to think about things

How I got so lucky to have all these people in my life

I didn't notice but I tear slipped out my eye and Tony noticed it

Tony leaned over from the drivers seat and grabbed me hand

I looked over at him

Tony:hey you ok "He whispered so no body else in the car could hear"

Y/n: mhm  "I nodded my  head and looked back out the window"

(I'm gonna write all speech like this cause it's easier)

Soon enough we arrived at the beach and we was the first ones here

Tony: we are here

Everyone in the car except you:yessss

Tony noticed you didn't say anything and was still looking out the window

Tony: y/n you okay? What's up

Y/n: I'm fine Tony I must have just gotten lost in my thoughts sorry

Tony: don't apologise it's okay and I know your not fine but we don't have to talk about it now infront of everyone if you don't want we can talk later or you don't have to talk to me at all but I know your not okay

Y/n: Tony I'm fine I promise

Tony: hey don't say you promise because you'll break it cause you already did I know your not fine but it's okay you don't have to talk about it

I just nodded my head and looked down

Tony:hey guys can you give us a minute

Ondreaz, Nick, Ryland: yeah sure

They got out the car and left me and Tony alone

Tony:look at me

I looked up at him slowly

Tony: what's wrong

Y/n: nothing I'm fine

Tony:no your not don't lie to me

Y/n: I don't wanna talk about it right now

Tony: okay but can you at least smile I wanna see your smile cause when you smile that makes me smile when your happy I'm happy I don't wanna see you sad I wanna see you happy and enjoying your life

Y/n: okay

I then smiled because of what Tony said I don't wanna make him sad so I'm gonna put on a smile even if I don't want to because I want everyone to be happy

Tony: see that's the smile I love

Y/n: thanks Tony

Tony: for what

Y/n: making me feel better

I then climbed over the seat onto his lap and hugged him

Tony: aww your welcome

Tony hugged me back tighter

Then I felt something underneath me and I knew exactly what it was and it was disgusting

Y/n: yo copterboy can you keep it under control please

I burst out laughing and Tony turned bright red

Tony: I- I'm sorry

Y/n: it's okay don't worry about it its funny that's why I said it okay don't stress

Tony: ok

You let go of the hug and open his car door and get out the car and Tony does the same

As we get out the others arrive

Ondreaz: jeez what took you so long

Thomas: I'm sorry but Tony drives so fast like a maniac and I'm not trying to die

We all laugh except Tony

Tony: hey my driving's not that bad

Y/n: you sure

Then you all started laughing even Tony

Patrick: can we go actually on the beach now

Everyone: yeah let's go

They start walking down to the shore but I grabbed Tony's hand

Tony: yeah

Y/n: can u give me a piggyback ride pleaseee "I say with a pouty face"

Tony:ugh fine

Y/n: yay thank you

Tony rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself as I jumped on his back

I put my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he grabbed my legs

Y/n: thank you so much Tony "i said as we get to the shore"

Then I kiss his cheek as he puts me down

Ondreaz: I actually don't know why you guys aren't dating you literally act, talk and look like a couple like date already

Y/n: I have a actually no I don't have a boyfriend anymore

Tony: yeah she doesn't have a boyfriend

Then we laughed

Micheal: but I thought you and Ryan where dating "he said confused"

I started to get really scared thinking of all the memories coming back

I think Tony noticed as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him

Tony: long story short they broke up

Patrick: why

Tony: wanna tell them "Tony whispered looking down at me hugging him"

Y/n: can you

Tony: ofcourse so Ryan had been abusing y/n for a while and she told me about it earlier and he was forcing her to do stuff and when he came to pick her up he was basically forcing her to go with him so I went with her to the door and she broke up with him

Thomas: omg y/n why didn't you tell us he was doing that

Y/n: I was scared

Paper: why

Y/n: he said if I told anyone he would hurt me

Ondreaz: well I'm glad you told my brother

Ondreaz then came over and hugged me so I let go of Tony and hugged ondreaz

Tony: hey bro why you trying to steal my girl

Ondreaz: your girl you guys literally just said you weren't dating

Tony: oh yeah we aren't I didn't mean to say that " he said then looked down as he was turning red"

Ondreaz: aww does Tony Lopez have a crush on y/n aww how cute

Tony: I don't have a crush on her

Ondreaz: it's okay bro but I know you do

Tony: no I don't " he then got really angry and stormed off

Perfect 😍//TONY LOPEZ Where stories live. Discover now