Chapter Twenty

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chapter 20- a n y t h i n g

"Mal?" Mateo stood by the door, holding it slightly open and his face is evident with concern, "You alright?"

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"Mal?" Mateo stood by the door, holding it slightly open and his face is evident with concern, "You alright?"

"Let's see, I'm being chased down like a fucking dog by my biological father who I had no idea existed but I'm now required to take a shot in his head all call it a day, so no Mateo I don't think I'm okay." He laughs a little while I sigh, putting my head on the table but Mateo picks me up and sits on the chair with me now straddling him. I lean into his chest and he wraps his arms around me, warming me up.

"Yeah, shit like that happens," He comments and I tilt my head up so my chin can now rest on his chest.

"Asshole," He laughs and I can feel myself letting out a soft giggle while he plants little kisses on my head.

"I've told you before, you're strong and I'm pretty sure you can take anything that comes your way."

"Oh my gosh, when did you turn so mushy?" I comment and he laughs now tilting my head up to meet his gaze and they're basically twinkling with adoration.

"You make me so mushy Mal, I don't know how, but I quite enjoy it." He leans in and his gaze flickers over my face, almost taking in all of my features as if I'm not even real. But the feeling comes back again, I don't really know what I and Mateo are, obviously, we're much more than just two people fucking each other but I have no idea if he even knows that.

He leans in again, testing my patience, and gives little kisses by the corner of my lips, I can feel myself getting frustrated by the minute and I can feel him smirk before he pulls back and the temptation between my legs cries out to him. "I actually hate you, like I hate you so much  you can't even imagine." I get out of his hold and I walk out of the meeting room, towards his room with him following behind, laughing.

"If we had continued I wouldn't be able to stop, and that would lead to very many other things," He closes the door behind him and I turn to face him.

"Since when did that become a problem?" I cross my arms, trying to look upset but he just laughs as he walks past me and sits on the bed, going through his phone.

"You're on your period," He states out as if I didn't know that before.

"I'm well aware, so what about it?" I say still standing in the middle of the room staring at him.

"Well, I read that if you have sex with a girl while she's on her period, you'll be chained to them forever and personally I don't want to be chained--" His eyes widen and he snaps his head towards me, meeting my eyes that are slowly watering.

"Wait Mal, I didn't--"

"You don't want to be chained to the same girl forever, I get it," I walk towards the door, hearing him quickly scamper off the bed. I reach to open the door but Mateo quickly grabs my arm, stopping me from turning the handle. I don't dare look up at him because I know I'll just turn into a crying mess, and I really didn't need that right now.

"Mal I didn't mean that--it-it just slipped out, I promise--"

"If it just slipped out, it doesn't make the situation any better Mateo, if anything it makes this whole thing worse. I get it, we were just meant to be fucking, not anything more," I turn to walk out but he grabs my arm again making me very frustrated now.

"Please don't stop this, I don't want this to end over something petty," My face scrunches up in disgust and I scoff, tugging my hand away walking out of his room and towards Val's room.

I can't believe he called that petty, telling me he didn't want to stop this. I mean I'm so stupid, I should've known he would never want anything more, I made it very clear a couple of weeks ago that I didn't want anything more serious and now when I did, I basically slapped my own face.

I knock on Val's door and as soon as she opens the door I fling my arms around her, unable to stop the tears pouring out of my face and she seems shocked for a second before she welcomes me in and closes the door behind her.  "You-you were right," I sob out and she pulls back with a confused look.

"Right about what?"

"T-that when I would want him, he would go r-running," My voice cracks, and I can feel myself burst into more tears while Val mutters words under her breath. She continues rubbing my back, slowly rocking us both.

For what it seems like forever, I calm down only letting out little sobs as we both lie in the bed, just staring at the ceiling. We both sat there in a comfortable silence not speaking out. My thoughts can only just circle around the way Mateo had said that so freely, and I can feel myself breaking down again.

"Oh my gosh not again, you know what," Val mutters while I feel her dip out of the bed and I don't see her till she appears at my side, tugging on my hand. "We are not going to spend the whole fucking day in my, room because some boy broke your heart."
"I'd rather do that," I say and she pulls once again on my hand, almost making me fall on the floor.

"Uh, I think the fuck not, get the hell up Mal."


"Don't be stubborn now, get up."


"Maliyah Livienne Halton." My eyes widen on how the hell and where she got my middle name and I turn to her while she places hands on her hips. "You will get the hell out of my fucking bed and you will go take a shower and you will look as fucking sexy as you always do because you are a bad bitch and you do not need a fucking man to hold your hand while you do so. So, Maliyah. Get. The fuck. Up."

I find myself wiping my tears away to face a smiling Valentina, and I let out a small laugh while she points to her wrist where a watch would normally sit and points to her bathroom. I nod, and I walk towards the bathroom, ready to forget all about Mateo. But it's almost impossible to even do so. 



-GTFO OUT MATEO, but i still love you yeah?



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