Life Comes At You Fast

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Things were very much on an upswing as far as Nicole Haught was concerned. Clearing things up with Waverly had been like a breath of fresh air for her lungs and a weight off her shoulders. She'd meant what she'd said to Wynonna about initiating the break—their relationship could've ended up toxic and detrimental to everyone's wellbeing. She loved Waverly, of course she did, but she also knew that they hadn't been Waverly and Nicole for a long time, not with how overwhelming her recovery had been. It wasn't the relationship that she knew and recognized and treasured and she'd figured a pause and reset would be the best way to fix things.

The second she and Waverly...reunited for the first time after that month apart, Nicole knew first that she was an idiot for ever suggesting any time away from that angel, and second that they were going to be absolutely fine.

She and Waverly had agreed to set time aside in their days for themselves to just connect with each other—no talk about doctors, pain meds, workouts with Wynonna, stat reports or anything remotely work related. It quickly became a favorite time in her day, especially when she convinced Waverly to rewatch Golden Girls with her from the beginning again.

Another product of the destressing was the rate at which her recovery progressed. As a part of getting herself back on track, she made more of an effort to be in the locker room with the team. There was a period of time where she ignored the room like the plague, still crushed under the reminders of how far she was away from being a part of the team again. However, once she made the leap to step foot back in there, she became a vocal presence for the team, whipping them up before games.

Physically, she'd graduated from being confined to the weight room to getting out onto the ice again. Not in pads or even with a stick, but skating nonetheless. Nicole had convinced herself that she'd be able to jump right into full skating, but she'd been sorely mistaken. As it turned out, skating was not like riding a bike, at least not when you've had your entire leg rebuilt. (It had taken her nearly two and a half weeks to get used to the feeling of her knee brace while skating).

The skating drills she'd started with made her feel like she was back in a learn-to-skate program, but Rosita and Kate made it abundantly clear that they were necessary. Starting essentially from scratch would allow her to apply the basics and fundamentals so as not to put unnecessary strain on her muscles. Nicole was frustrated at first, especially when she'd have to cut sessions short because of soreness or have to take long pauses when she was especially winded from a drill, because she'd never not been good at something (even after putting her mind to it). Lucky for her, Waverly Earp was there at every session she could be, showing her support from the bench. Less lucky for her, the other Earp was also there.

At Every. Single. Session.

Wynonna, naturally, was there to be her own brand of supportive—taunting and challenging and baiting her into competition with every drill.

("I didn't waste so much of my very valuable time for you not to be the second greatest hockey player in Purgatory history," Wynonna had told her.

"Second behind you, I'm assuming?"

Of course Wynonna had meant that, and nodded proudly as Nicole strode back to one of the circles to work on backwards c-cuts).

In the long run, Nicole supposed she was grateful to have someone so interested in her success.


By the time the regular season found itself winding down, Nicole was still a ways out from being able to play, but she had finally graduated to skating in hockey equipment and after most sessions she stayed after Kate and Rosita had left, getting some stickhandling and passing in with Wynonna.

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