Chapter 4

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Miley POV

We reached our house by 11:30 pm and Liam was fuming. We entered the house and he just started screaming. 

"I knew you would do this!"

"Liam, I did nothing wrong. You can't accuse me of something you think I did."

"You are a cheater and I never should have trusted you." His eyes showed no sympathy as he said these words to me. "I know how you look at him Miley, I could see how your face lit up when you saw him. You lost him! When are you going to realize that he doesn't love you!" 

I fell speechless. I had no words to say as I had didn't know whether he saw me kissing him or not. 

"What are you just going to be silent until your mister comes. Seems like your taste in men has definitely changed. From muscular, good-looking, and Australian to whatever that loser is! All he had was one - not even decent - boy band and-"

"Stop it!" I said, unable to hear another bad word about Nick. 

"You always think that you are better than everyone but you are not." He shot back. He continued, "You are just a low life that can't keep up in an argument!"

"I don't want to be in this relationship if we are just going to fight all the time. We fight every month and I am sick and tired of it. I can't be with someone that makes me so unhappy and miserable anymore."

"Miley you are not allowed to leave me" Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. "I have stood by you when you chopped off all your hair, I was there when you got dumped, I was there when no one else was. Where was your Prince Charming then!? Huh!? ANSWER ME!!!" He paused for a second before saying. "He was probably kissing some other girl, not giving a second thought about you." He said, his voice getting scarier with every word. He had no mercy left in him and made sure that I knew he would do anything. That terrified me. I knew that he was capable of anything as his strength was incomparable to any other human.

"Let go of me! I don't want you in my life if you are going to control me. I can't fake being with you because it makes you happy." I said trying to sound as strong as I could, even though I felt as though I was breaking down inside. He held my arm tighter as if he was never going to let me go. Tears started streaming down my face as my arm began to go numb. 

"I knew you were never worth it. All of this was just a game to make my ratings go higher. I think the main thing we learned from all of this is that I am a much better actor than you."

"Liam stop it. You are right. I don't love you and I never have but you didn't love me either so doesn't that make us even. Let me leave!"

"You cannot tell me what to do! You will never leave me!" His eyes show no forgiveness and my arm felt as though it had fallen off from the pain. He then grabs ahold of my face with his other free hand and pulls me in for a kiss. I resist, pushing and screaming.

"Liam this isn't you. Please let go of me!" I scream in between sobs. Scared for what could happen, for what he would do. More and more tears start pouring down my cheeks until a portion of the floor is completely wet. 

Finally, I am able to get out of his grip. My arm is white from the lack of blood and in an unbearable amount of pain. I run upstairs to our room, lock the door and start packing my things. Soon after, I hear Liam's footsteps and then he starts banging on the door. Cursing at me to open the door. I only pack my essentials and a few pairs of clothes and quickly take the car keys that were on the table and go down the fire escape from our balcony. 

As I am going down the stairs, I hear the door giving in to Liam's strength and breaks down. Liam continues to call me names and the last thing I hear from him is, 

"You will never be happy and when he breaks your heart again don't come crying to me!"

I start sprinting towards the car not looking back for a second. I go to the car and drive away as fast as I can. When I was a few miles away from our house, I started to slow down and gather my thoughts. I pulled over to the side of the road as my eyes started to tear and all I could see was a haze. I thought about Nick and how he told me to call. It was really late at night so I did not even know if he would still be awake. Suddenly, flashing lights began to go off as the paparazzi began taking photos and I quickly wiped away all my tears and raced off once again. I reached a red light and called the only person I could trust.

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