Random Days

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Winter - 2036

Ellie watched the snow falling from the sky, it had only started snowing this morning. The streets of the community weren't snowed under just yet, so most of the store owners were busy before the snow settled. It was like this every year when it began to snow, the next couple of months were going to be busy for everyone. Normally the food stocks would last until Spring, but the harvest months hadn't been that great for some reason. The greenhouses fruits were in bloom as always, but half of the potatoes and carrots had grown rotten. It was going to be tough for the next few months, but they would manage somehow. They still had rice and pickled vegetables, they would have to hunt more to keep everyone fed.

Ellie watched a horse drawn cart moving down the street, it was delivering some goods to one of the community stores. She was sitting on some steps outside of the Tipsy Bison Bar, she had a lot on her mind right now. She had an argument with Cat about a week ago, they were having a little break from each other. It was mostly Ellie's fault, she had been suffering with depression for months after she learnt the truth about St Mary's hospital from Joel. Her breath lingered in the air while she sighed deeply to herself, she crossed her arms and looked over at the Butchers across the street. She was waiting for Jesse, they were going to check on some traps near the community. The butcher was cutting up some meat from a Wild Boar, there was about five Hares hanging upside by the store's window and she could see a woman serving a man inside the store. Jesse soon turned up at the Tipsy Bison, he had his rifle with him and a packet of broken up sugar cookies. He smiled at Ellie and sat down next to her on the step, he told her that the other hunting parties had already left the community. She didn't answer him though, she wasn't in much of a talkative mood. Jesse nudged Ellie's arm before he spoke to her again, she looked at him while she rubbed at her nose.

" Not in much of a talkative mood, huh?" Jesse asked.

" You've got that right." Ellie replied.

" It's okay, I know you and Cat are having issues right now." Jesse said, he rested his hand on her arm. " It will work out, just give her some space."

" That's the plan..." Ellie sighed.

" Hang in there, things will get better." Jesse said.

" I guess you're an expert when it comes in love, how many times have you and Dina split up now?" Ellie asked.

" Four times, but we always end up back together." Jesse replied, he patted her arm before he got up from the step. " Let's get moving, those traps won't check themselves."

Ellie sighed and got up from the step, she then walked with Jesse down the street. They were going to be travelling by foot today, the traps were only in the Woodlands outside of The Jackson Community. They cut through the stables and headed towards the main entrance of the community, they were then let out by one of the outpost men. Jesse took the lead and guided Ellie along the pathway, the snow wasn't that deep yet. The Woodlands were peaceful, they could hear the odd bird tweeting in the treetops above them. Ellie stopped for a moment when she reached the top of the pathway, she looked over her shoulder and took in the view of The Jackson Community. Ellie had once sketched The Jackson Community from this very pathway, it looked beautiful throughout all of the seasons. Her attention was soon caught by Jesse's voice, he told her to stop daydreaming. She apologised to him and hurried forward, she soon caught up with him. They didn't speak that much until they reached the trap area, Ellie wasn't in much of a talkative mood still.

" I'll check these traps." Jesse said, he looked at Ellie. " You can check the traps near the stream."

" Okay." Ellie said.

" Be careful out there." Jesse said.

" You too." Ellie said.

Ellie left Jesse and made her way to the stream, when she got there she stopped by a tree. She checked out her surroundings before she ventured forward again, it wasn't long until she found the traps. There was two Hares caught in two of the traps, it was better than nothing in these times. She crouched in front of the traps and rested her hand on one of the Hare's side, they were stone cold dead. She freed the Hares and tied their legs together with some rope, she then reset the traps. Her attention was soon drawn back to the stream, it was so peaceful out here. The sound of the trickling water and the bird's songs in the treetops above her brightened her mood slightly, it was nice getting out of the community sometimes. She checked the traps one last time before she got to her feet, she picked up the Hares and made her way back to Jesse. The snow wasn't easing, they would have to head back to the community soon before it got worse. She soon found Jesse, he was resetting some traps. He had one Hare lying on the ground next to him, it wasn't a great hunt but three Hares was better than nothing. Jesse got to his feet and picked the Hare up by it's ears, he then beckoned Ellie to follow him. She followed after him and they soon returned back the the pathway which lead to The Jackson Community, the snow was getting deeper now. Jesse told Ellie he would do anything right now for a hot drink and a steak sandwich, he asked her if she would care to join him at the Tipsy Bison after they got back home. 

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