Chapter #1: "The Truth Comes Out"

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"Tommy was sat at the bottom of the porch stairs, leaning against the stone brick wall of the cabin as the cool air of the snowy late February weather filled his lungs with every breath. He was wearing his arctic anarchist cape, but instead of the usual more formal attire that went with the cape? He bared his white and red layered t-shirt, beige pants with a brown belt, his black fingerless gloves, and his white and black boot-like running shoes, as well as his green bandana, which was tied around his neck underneath the cape. He stared off into the distance as the sun slowly began to set, letting out a sorta depressed-sounding sigh, as he looked down at the compass he was holding in his lap. The words "Big Sis", were engraved on the inner side of the Compass's lid..., two words that when he looked at them? They made him start to cry. It had been months since Lauren Minecraft, his Big Sister had set off on an adventure by herself for the first time. She had just turned 19yrs the year before, and their Father felt that she was finally ready to see the rest of the world, little did they know she'd fall off the grid without a trace. He wiped the tears off of the compass, and when he held it up and looked at his reflection in the glass? He saw their Father Philza standing at the top of the stairs right behind him, looking at him with a sorta sorrowful expression on his face as he slowly walked down the stairs and sat down beside him. He too had his anarchist cape on, which was similar to Tommy's and Technoblade's, however, Phil's was a bit longer, and it had more of a kimono-style to it because he was wearing the second shirt that went with it that was black and green with long kimono-style sleeves like his normal clothes, making it look like the cape was an additional part to his original outfit underneath. The red part of the cape, as well as the wool trim, were both black on his, but the blue part with golden yellow fabric trim remained, and the chain links on his cape were made to look like his signature hardcore heart symbol with a small pair of black wings on it, the same symbol that was on both of his black gauntlet-like fingerless gloves that went up to just below his elbows before stopping. He looked at the sunset in the distance for a brief moment, and then looked back at Tommy, before pushing part of his cape aside so he was able to put his arm around his son, and held him close, letting his head rest on his shoulder as they both looked at the compass silently, with the gentle wooshes from the cool breeze brushing past them as it picked up a bit of speed due to the small snowstorm rolling in, being the only sounds, other than their breathing that you could hear as a few snowflakes began to dance gracefully through the wind above."

"Philza: You doin' alright? Kiddo..." He asked softly, looking down at him".

"Tommy: I miss her..." He whimpered, burying his face in the fluffy part of Phil's cape."

"Philza: I know, buddy...I know. She'll be back, though- don't give up hope" He said, trying to hold back tears the best he possibly could, as he proceeds to rest his head gently on top of Tommy's head while caressing his arm/shoulder sympathetically, trying to comfort him."

"Tommy: She's been gone for days! Dad, how can you even be certain of her safety? She could be in trouble right now for all we know" He said, looking up at Philza with a look of worry and disagreement on his face as he fiddled with the compass."

"Philza sighed as he looked in the other direction, rubbing the back of his neck with his opposite hand, now starting to doubt his own words of assurance. He looked at Techno who was standing there on the opposite side of Tommy, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and a half straight, half genuinely concerned expression on his face as he looked back at Phil, both of them not knowing what to say anymore to try and keep Tommy even remotely calm at this point..., but then Techno spoke up,  breaking the angsty silence."

"Techno: Tommy?... I think it's time you knew the truth" He said, looking at Tommy with a sorta sorrowful expression on his face..., an expression that's rarely ever been seen before on the face of someone like Technoblade!... Yet here we are."

"Philza: I think your right, Techno... Even though Lauren wanted to tell him herself? I think now is the best time for us to tell him this" He sighed, sharing the same sorrowful expression as Technoblade as he rested a hand on Tommy's shoulder."

"Tommy: Wait... What do you guys mean?" He asked in a mutter, looking up at both of them as they looked at each other, and then back at Tommy, making him confused."

"Philza: Your the one you were calling "Mom" when you were little. Kristin, your real Mom.., had passed away moments after the nurse handed you over to her. She, unfortunately, was so emotionally and mentally tired from all the struggle she had been going through before we had decided to have you two that...God felt it was right for her to be given a break, and so he took her to heaven with him!... Which left it up to Lauren to help me raise you, and she never once complained because she loves you so so much."

"Tommy: Then...why do I remember thinking she just left us?... We were all by ourselves! Just you, me, Lauren, Techno, and Wilbur. I thought it had always been just the five of us from the start!... I thought that I really had come from Lauren! I...I don't understand..." He muttered as he sat back down on the stairs, looking at Philza with a now confused- yet still sorrowful expression on his face as question after question flooded his thoughts almost immediately after sitting."

"Philza: Well?... We adopted Techno and Wilbur before we had your Sister, and then when your Mother passed, Lauren had to take on her role, and the three of them, her most of all because she spent the most time with you, had to help me raise you!... It was painful for both of us as we watched you grow up believing our lies...but they were there so your feelings would be spared..., we didn't want depression to ruin your childhood. I can even faintly remember you even once drawing a picture of our family, and how you labeled me and your Sister as "Mom and Dad", she nearly broke down in tears while looking at it again after you were put to bed by her that same night" He said, tears starting to sting the corners of his eyes as flashbacks of their past began to flood his thoughts, but he tried his best to hold them back."

"Tommy: Why...did she cry? I thought you just said she didn't mind being my "Mom", and that she was glad that at least there was still some way you guys could give me a good life..." He asked in an even more confused-sounding tone of voice as more questions flooded his mind."

"Philza: She felt like it was unfair...even though she had no way of controlling what happened, your Sister thought that all of it was her fault..., that somehow she caused your Mother's death. It was painful to listen to..., but then I told your Sister, "He may not have her...but at least he has his amazing Sister. It may not be or sound the same? But, as long as your there for him...things are gonna be okay...", and she remembered that every time that she looked at it after that."

"Tommy sat there with a speechless and sorrowful expression on his face as tears began to fill his widened eyes. He couldn't believe that after all these years...that girl he thought was his Mom?...was still here today!... And was actually just his amazing Sister doing what she could to give him a good life. How did he not see the similarities? He doesn't know, but, Tommy did know for sure that he owed his Sister a thank you...a very...very big thank you, and he planned to repay her any way he could, taking any opportunity he got- just to do something nice for Lauren,  regardless of whether she declines his offer to do it or not."

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