Chapter #2: "Lauren Finally Returns"

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"As nightfall arrived, Phil and Techno began to head inside, leaving Tommy all alone again outside. He sat there staring off at the last bit of sunlight that illuminated the edge of the world only slightly, as it finally disappears below the Earth once more, just like it had every night. He sighed as he muttered to himself, "I miss you, Sis... Please come home", before he looked at the compass for the last time, and then stood and went to head inside, stuffing it in his pant pocket. Right as his hand gripped the doorknob, he was suddenly stopped by a purple glow that was coming from his pocket with Lauren's compass. Tommy then took it out and looked at it again, surprised to find that it was in fact the thing glowing!... But at first? He thought that the compass was just broken because she wasn't even here!... Or so he thought she wasn't. Tommy gripped onto the compass, his fist shaking in anger as he screamed with tears in his eyes, "WHY MUST YOU TAUNT ME!?", as he threw it from the top of the stairs, watching it land in the snow a few feet away from Techno's cabin, the glow of it still strong as it illuminated all of the snow that was around it, making it all look purple as well, and then Tommy went inside. Just as Tommy went inside of the house, a pair of white feminine-looking winter boots stopped in front of the compass's resting spot, and a soft peach-toned hand in a black fingerless glove reached down and grabbed the compass, lifting it up to the face of what looked to be a female individual! She had on a pink and white version of Philza's arctic anarchist cape and attire, but her version included a hood with fluffy trim instead of a fluffy collar, which left a shadow over the upper half of the female individual's face as it sat there over her head..., but when she saw the compass's engravings?... Tears rolled down her face, and a smile formed, replacing her straight expression as she pushed back the hood of the cape with her free hand, revealing a head of beautiful blond hair that rested on her shoulders and hung all down one side and reached to below her chest, and a pair of faded sky blue eyes that looked like shimmering diamonds underneath the light of the full moon..., it was Lauren! At once she looked off into the distance ahead of her as smoke coming from the chimney on top of the cabin arouse up into the night sky and got blown away by the wind of that chilly February evening. "I'm home, Tommy...", she muttered in her gentle voice, a lump in her throat as more tears streamed down her cheeks. She put her hood up again as she swapped the compass out for the last enderpearl in her inventory, and used it to get over to the house a bit faster. Before she knew it? Lauren was standing in front of her home, and nobody even knew she was there!... At least not yet that is. Lauren hesitated at first, thinking they would be mad at her for being gone longer than she anticipated, but, she collected herself..., went up the stairs and over to the door, and gently knocked on it before going back down the stairs and hiding behind one of the stone brick walls to surprise them with her arrival."

"Philza: Hello? Is...someone there?" He asked, opening the door and walking out onto the porch while looking around for who or what had just knocked."

"Phil seemed confused and thought that it must've been his imagination!... But as he turned to go back inside, he heard a familiar voice mutter, "Dad?...", from at the bottom of the stairs, and he immediately spun around again, his eyes wide in shock as they filled with tears. He stood at the top of the stairs speechless as he watched Lauren slowly emerge from behind the wall, and pull back her hood, revealing her face once again, which was now slightly stained from the tears that she was shedding from the amount of overwhelming happiness that was flooding over her at that moment."

"Lauren: Dad... I-I'm home!..." She said in a trembling voice, beaming from ear to ear as she looked at Phil, who was also crying now."

"Philza: baby!..." He said in a trembling mutter as he suddenly ran down the stairs and hugged her the second she was in arms reach of him."

"The two of them fell to their knees, holding each other in a tender embrace as they sat there quietly sobbing into each other's shoulder in silence... They both lifted their heads soon after, and looked at one another in the eyes, before Phil put his hands on Lauren's cheeks, and gently put his forehead against her's, as he muttered, "I was so worried about you, sweetheart... I'm so glad you're home now...". Suddenly the two of them were surprised by the sound of Techno's voice yelling Phil's name because he had seen the open door and he must've thought he had gone out looking for Lauren himself..., but Techno calmed down when he saw Phil at the bottom of the stairs..., then his eyes widened and he dropped his netherite sword, as his eyes fell upon Lauren in Phil's arms as the two of them were sitting in the snow together. As Techno came down the stairs slowly, Phil let her go and the two of them stood to their feet once more. When the eyes of both Techno and Lauren met, he only stared at her in silence for a moment, his hand gently caressing her cheek, before Technoblade suddenly pulled Lauren into a firm- yet tender embrace, as a single tear streamed down his cheek..., he paid no mind to the fact that he was showing vulnerability for the first time in literal ages, Techno was just happy about seeing his beloved little sister home safe and sound once more. The three of them had a group hug before they went inside, and went to Tommy's and Lauren's room in the basement. When the three of them got to the door, she knocked on it gently. Tommy's muffled voice asked, "Who is it?...", which made Lauren look at Techno and Phil anxiously, but Phil nodded softly and whispered to her, "Go on!...". Her anxiety left and she nodded back at him with a half-smile, before she looked back at the door, cleared her throat, and said softly, "It's me, Tommy!... It's Lauren..., I'm home". The room fell silent as Tommy seemed to shut off the sad animal crossing music he was listening to, and the door opened slowly, revealing a teary-eyed and distraught-looking TommyInnit. Lauren was taken aback at the sight of her little brother in such a miserable state. He was always so irritating and being a dork, but here...she was seeing him with his eyes all red and puffy and his face a damp mess with hundreds of dried tear stains stretching from his eyes to his chin all over the place. She never thought he would cry if she was gone, but here he was!... And he looked absolutely horrible."

"Tommy: Lauren..." He muttered, before almost knocking her to the floor as he hugged her."

"Lauren: Whoa! Easy there, Tommy..." She chuckled a bit, hugging him back as she steadies herself from the sudden blow of his hug that had made her hit the hallway wall back-first."

"Tommy: S-sorry... I just...missed you a lot, Sis. Please...don't go on another adventure alone again?" He whimpered through more tears that began making Lauren's shirt a bit wet, but she didn't care about it, she just wanted to continue holding him close."

"Lauren looked at him crying into her shirt and began to gently ruffle his hair with her hand as she pondered, her smile sorta fading as Lauren pieced together an answer she hoped wouldn't upset him more, as she gently pushed Tommy off and proceeded to put her hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes again, letting a deep- yet gentle sigh escape through her nose as she glanced at the floor for just a moment before speaking."

"Lauren: Well...I can't promise that I won't go on other adventures..., but, I can promise you one thing. *She takes out the compass* Every time this compass begins to glow its beautiful shade of purple?... I'll be on my way, okay? Tommy..." She said softly, handing it back to him, her half-smile from before reappearing once again."

"Tommy: Okay... I'm just so happy your home!... I missed you so much" He muttered through his tears, wiping them away with his sleeve as they came."

"Lauren: I missed you too, feels great to be back..." She chuckled slightly, pulling him back into their hug from before, this time being more of a tender-loving embrace as she too had tears in her eyes again, but, she just let them stream down her face."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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