Kind Alpha - Part 6 #10

58 2 0

Word Count: 3256
Type: Alpha/Beta/Omega/ Young Mccree

Third Peron P.O.V~

   "Remove Amari from her position?! (Y/n) that's-"
   "I don't want to resort to her losing her position, but she's got to see the dangers of the facility and something has to be done about it now!"
   "Yet she does not?"
   "Of course not, for some godforsaken reason she refuses to do anything despite numerous reports and that's excluding all the ones I've put in." Her right hand reaching up, fingers gliding through her (c/h) coloured locks. Sighs*
   "I'm not sure how long I can keep this up?"
   "I understand you're frustrated and rightfully so, but you need to be careful with that temper of yours, you could-"

Door slams open*

Ana - "(Y/n)! What's this I'm hearing about you taking a break, you know we don't have enough staff to cover anyone on sick leave."
(Y/n) - "I thought Moira already discussed this with you?" Moira pops out from behind the door looking a little panicked but more frustrated than anything.
Moira - "I was in the middle of explaining it to her-"
Ana - "I've heard all that I needed to hear, you cannot just take a break when you damn well feel like it!"
(Y/n) -  "You think I wanted to take a break? Commander, you should know better than anyone how hard I work."
Rein - "She's right Commander-"
Ana - "Stay out of this!"
Moira - "Commander, (Y/n) has barely-"
Ana  - "Not another word from you either!"
Reyes  - "Amari, if I may-" Amari snaps her head towards the Omega, eyes ablaze with a fury
Reyes - "Though (Y/n) is under your command I-"
Ana - "You what Gabriel Reyes?" Growling lowly.
Reyes - "I put (y/n) under strict orders to rest." 

Jack  - "You put in the order? What the hell for Gabe?!"
Reyes - "She was injured the night of the break in-" Morrison steps over to Reyes getting right up into his face.
Jack - "You've got to be kidding me?! A pissy little scratch across the neck isn't going to affect her line of work."
Reyes - "I wasn't finished, commander Morrison..." The blonde is a little taken back by the deep growl in Reyes' voice as he spoke his last name in a venomous tone.
Reyes - "She's been overworked by not just hours, days or even weeks." He takes out a file from under his arm offering it to Amari "She's been overworked for months, as short-staffed as we are (Y/n) has done nothing but gone above and beyond countless times to provide the best service around all hours of the day." He lightly waves the file to Amari.
   "In here contains all the hours she's worked, every emergency call she's responded to, after hours of work and care into the patients of this facility..." Amari furrowing her brows grabs the file finding it heavier than it looks. Opening it up she sees pages upon pages of clocked hours, replacement sessions, overtime work by exchanges of emails and reports written each one carefully stamped with exact times and dates.

Reyes - "As you can see, (Y/n) has more than earned some time off and having roughly 48 hours off work doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the time off she's meant to have." The others look on a little stunned as Morrison leans in whispering lowly.
Jack - "What are you doing Gabe?"
Reyes - "The right thing." He moves closer to Amari, his shoulders back, head up and eyes looking straight at hers "If you have anymore concerns with that order Commander Amari then it will be taken up to the chairmen." Her eyebrows begin to twitch as she releases a sign that makes her shoulders drop. She pitches the bridge of her nose as a growl slips out "Fine..." She lowers her hand down flicking in rage that today things haven't gone her way, she storms back into the building without another word.
   "That's commander Reyes to you, and I believe you have drills with the patients of Sector B. Wouldn't want to make you late commander now do we?" Morrison's eyes widen his jaw-dropping slightly before snapping tightly shut again with brows furrowing as he too storms off back inside harshly brushing past both Reyes and Moria in the process.

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