Bloody Petals - Part 3 #3

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Word Count: 3772
Type: Hanahanki Disease

Reader's P.O.V~

   After having a long talk with Zenyatta I finally decide to get up and head to the medical bay on my way there I pass my room finding Genji, Hanzo and Mccree waiting outside for me.
   "There you are darlin' we've been wondering when you'd come out, how are yah feeling?" I look down in shame for a moment thinking about what Zenyatta had said, I have been neglecting and ignoring them since my outburst at Angela. I could only think of all I had been through, all the pain, anger, sadness, guilt and grief I've been feeling over these past few days. I look up at them with guilt written all over my face.
   "Guys, I'm- I'm sorry for the way I've been behaving these last few days. It was a lot to take in I was angry and scared that I now had something so serious along with the Hanahanki disease. It was all- all too much." Genji reaches out placing a hand on my shoulder.
   "You have nothing to apologise for, we know it must have been difficult for you." I nod slightly.
   "It is hard to accept but there is little I can do about what has happened, I'll go speak with Mercy she must be worried sick..."


   I return to the medical bay and leave the boys out of the room to talk with Angela alone. I find her buried in computer screens and books about PTSD. Most of the information she was reading were the conditions, side effects, risks and triggers. I ignore all the notes for focusing on the exhausted woman who is slumped over her desk, hands holding her head up and I can imagine how red her eyes must be.
   "Angela..?" I call out to her quietly. She immediately turns around to see me standing before her I see that her eyes had widened. She wasn't expecting me to come to be here. "I'm sorry, for -for what I did and what I said. You were only trying to help and I get that, just... all the information I had received was too much for one person to handle." She says nothing just sits there dumbfounded her eyes unblinking. "I'll let you get back to your research, I just came here to apologise in hopes to put your mind at ease. You're like a mother to me and I don't want to put you through any more distress." I turn towards the door to leave.
   "A mother..." I stop and look at her in confusion.
   "Did you say something..?" I ask quietly.
   "You said I'm like a mother to you, is that true, is that how you feel about me?" I turn around to face her.
   "Of course, you've been looking after me since day one, you've been giving me advice for my troubles and in desperate times you were there to support and help me. Though you have babied me a few times much like Reyes does. To me, that sounds like a mother and feels that way too." Her shocked expression turns into a joyful one with a smile gracing her lips and happiness shining in her eyes.
   "Zis is wonderful to hear (y/n). I had feared zat your new-found condition would have destroyed all ze progress you had made in zese past few months. Zat you may be permanently scarred and damaged."

   "Well, I've been getting help from Mccree, Hanzo and Genji when the disease returned." Mercy races over to me and gives me a big hug with a single tear rolling down her face.
   "I'm so happy with ze progress you've made, could you tell me all about it? I also have some information to share with you regarding your PTSD to help you coop and reduce the triggers as much as possible." I give her a hug back before we both sit down and exchange information to each other. I tell Angela about my time trying to discover who the love interest could be and how I managed to work out how I feel about a number of people so far. Mercy gave me a rundown of the symptoms of PTSD and the number of triggers that could potentially set me off. She gave me a list of things to help me minimize the risk of an attack and what will trigger attacks. I read through the list of potential causes for attacks and read the final external trigger.

'Seeing someone who reminds you of a person connected to your traumatic event.'

   "Well, that makes sense," I comment. Mercy looks over to see the one I'm staring at before nodding.
   "Yes, that was the one that caused your recent and first attack. I should have asked Commander Morrison to have her transferred to another base earlier after your surgery." I sit there and ponder for a moment, remembering her face when I looked down the hallway that night, which in turn pulled that dark memory to the front of my mind. My emotions start bubbling beneath my skin as I recall that horrid event, I start struggling to breathe as those emotions flood every vein in my body. Angela notices straight away and she jumps out of her chair, kneels in front of me grabbing either side of my face with her hands forcing me to look at her.
   "(Y/n) breathe, inhale for three and exhale for three, I'll count." I look at her and close my eyes as I listen to her count. For a brief moment, the memory becomes stronger and more vivid in my mind, but as I keep listening to Mercy's voice those imagines slowly fade away. I inhale and exhale in time with her counting which eventually cleared my mind of those thoughts.
   "Better..?" She stops to check on me. I nod and open my eyes again.
   "Better." She releases me and I apologise.
   "Ze is no reason for you to apologise, you can't really control it plus this just proves that this technique will help you in future." She stands up and sits back into her chair before writing down some notes.
   "That's good and all but you can't come rushing to me every time I'm about to have an attack, you have obligations here in the medical bay, you can't be in two places at once." She nodded with a smile.
   "I already have a plan for zat."

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