Prologue: Genshin Love

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(Y/n is 26 here, but will age down when she gets transported)

Third POV

"W-what have you done to Keith and Lilith?!" Kikyo yells out in horror with her eyes wide like saucers. The two guys who killed Keith and Lilith, Chongyun and Xingqiu... They both stare at her with dulled eyes as Chongyun started to smile menacingly at her "We killed them just for you.. Did you not like our present?" He pouted while holding a butcher knife that was dripping with Lilith's blood.

Kikyo continuously shakes her head, she felt as if the whole world was gradually spinning around "No... No..! S-stay away from me!" She stood from fear earlier, but now she ran as fast as she could away from the two "Don't think that it's just the two of us by the way!" Xingqiu's voice bounces off through the empty hallways. Kikyo couldn't bare to be in this building any longer, she felt her whole world spinning more and more. What happened to the guys she liked earlier? Has she fallen for the wrong guy after all?

But after running for what felt like ages, her legs were slowly giving up on her 'No! I must keep running or else they'll catch up to me and possibly kill me!!' By now she had tears flowing through her eyes, but more fear had grown into her legs once she saw who was outside of the building "You didn't think that it was just the two of them, did you~" Venti cooed with his eyes dull like the rest of them.

Scaramouche made a small smirk before taking out his long knife "I guess we should kill you now, you know.. we made a truce not to kill each other and see who could win your heart. But after what you just saw, I guess we have to do this a different way" He stops smirking as he grips a little bit harder onto the long knife. Kikyo's heart drop but she knew that she couldn't stay here any longer, because Chongyun and Xingqiu would be behind by the time she try to talk to the other guys.

So she took her chances and ran to the right, while running away in the distance she heard a loud yell "Guys! Get her, she's getting away!" Kikyo just wanted to have a normal life at University so.. 'Why did this have to happen? Why, why!' She was running out of breath from running for what felt like for an entirety. But Kikyo didn't have anytime to take any breaks, she have to get out of here right away!

So she ran back to her home and packed everything she could, she took a few things that would have the good memories of her close friends that died before and recently. After that she went through the window and was never to be found again...

⫷║⎯Game Over⎯║⫸

⫷║⎯Congratulations! You got the Bad Ending⎯║⫸

"What!! After playing this game for 3 months I get the bad ending! No...!" Y/n was filled with distress after the "game over" thing popped up. She sighed before closing her laptop "I stayed up until 2 AM doing this game, I should probably go to sleep since I have work tomorrow.." She yawns at the end of her sentence and got ready for bed "Oh well.. I should probably restart the game and try to get the good ending next time" That was the last thing Y/n said before resting her eyes.

Once she opens her eyes, it was the next day but she was in a different bedroom. She rubs her eyes but realized something wrong 'Wait.. why does my hand look... smaller? Did I age down or something?' She quickly got up and looked for the bathroom. There was a small bathroom in this, what she assumed a dorm. So once Y/n looked into the mirror she almost screamed 'What the?! Why did I age down? What am I doing here..?!' Y/n shakes her head and saves the questions later.

When she got ready and came out of her dorm, what she saw surprised her "Kikyo?" Y/n covered her mouth after blurting out her name 'Oh shoot! Is she gonna think that I'm a weirdo now?' Kikyo turns around a smiles brightly at Y/n "Hey Y/n! Your finally up, this is the first time I saw you up early. So are you really going for the new year, new me like what you said in the summer?" She questioned the (h/c) hair girl.

It confused Y/n but she decided to play along "Yeah, I want to change a bit. It doesn't hurt to change some things here and there as long as it is good, what about you?" Kikyo puts a finger on her chin as she made a thinking face "Hmm... I think I'll try to focus on school more. Maybe find someone interesting? I'm not sure but it will be a bonus if I do end up getting a boyfriend" She smiles at Y/n before gasping loudly.

"Oh my god! I have to help Lilith move in her stuff, I'll see you later okay? Text me when your free or if you have news to spill!" Kikyo waves her hand as she got farther away down the hallway before disappearing around the corner. Y/n smiles at Kikyo, but once she disappeared she dropped the smile and went back into her dorm "So.. I'm in Genshin Love. Well basically Teyvat University, this is gonna be a bit hard..." Y/n frowns, knowing what will happen if things turned south.
















A/n: Yay! New story, sorry for not continuing on with the other story. But I hope you will still enjoy this one. I don't have much to say since I stayed up pretty late doing this, so I'll go now. Have a nice day/afternoon/night!!

(996 Words)

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