Chapter 4: Hanging Out

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A/N: This author note is just here to show you what Keith and Kevin looks like. Kevin is on the left eating the burger and Keith is on the right holding the coffee. (I do not own the photo)

Y/n POV"I'm sorry Venti, but we'll see each other later during the hangout" It felt like my mouth moved on its own during this moment

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"I'm sorry Venti, but we'll see each other later during the hangout" It felt like my mouth moved on its own during this moment. Venti tilted his head a bit before smiling, "I see, oh well! You're right, I guess I'll see you later at the hangout then!" He'd happily skip away from us. I couldn't help but slightly dread on going to that hangout, that smile Venti gave earlier felt oddly off. Keith and Kevin both put their arms around me as if they were trying to protect me by hugging me close to them, I smile at their actions "It's fine you two, he's not here anymore. Although I'll have to see him again later..." I cried in the inside.

Keith and Kevin both reluctantly took their arms off of me. Keith pouted "I can come with you if you'd like" He'd offer. It sounds tempting, but I couldn't just bring him along and possibly get him killed alongside with me. I waved off the offer "It's fine, I know he won't do anything to me" But in my thoughts, I don't know if he'll kill me. He has the chance to kill me at the hangout if I go, but they're gonna be suspicious of me if I suddenly didn't want to go. "Anyways, let's go to that cafe we went to last time" I tried changing the topic. I looked over at Keith who seemed hesitant at first, but eventually placed his hand on my head and patted it, "At least remember that we're here to protect you, now let's leave this area. Is there anything you want to eat or drink? I'll pay for you" As Keith gently tugs my sleeves with Kevin following behind me.

I smiled. I know most people would take the opportunity to take free food, although I can't help but feel bad for 'using' their money when I could buy it myself.  Of course I'll take up the offer, but I'll just make up for it when a time like this comes again later on. "I'll just get (f/d), I already ate earlier before I came here so I'm not that hungry" Keith nodded his head as he continues to walk. Kevin then pops up next to me "You said that you weren't THAT hungry, which means you are a little. I can share my food with you" I was surprised at first, but smiled widely. "You're too kind, but I'll have to reject that offer. Maybe another time?" Kevin's eyes looked like they sparkled a bit "Yeah! I'd definitely love to share with you, maybe when we get to hangout together like this again" I chuckled.

It was silent for awhile, I had something in mind I wanted to ask them. It took a bit of courage to try and ask them ". . .Hey, aren't you guys a bit weirded out how.. different I seem to act than usual?" I remember ever since I came into this world, Kevin mentioned how I didn't show much emotions or more like laughter to be specific from that conversation, from what I could theorize, I wasn't emotionless but more like I just didn't express myself often here in this world. Kevin and Keith were quiet for quite a bit before Keith responded "Well, it's strange to see this new side of you. But it's not like I hate it, I never hated how you were like before either. If I'll have to be honest-" Kevin immediately interrupts Keith "You're just you, no matter if you show more expressions or not. We like you" I couldn't help but have the heat on my cheeks rise slightly, was that a confession without them even realizing it or what?

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