chapter 16

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Clara's POV

I opened the big ass door, to be welcoke with my whole family sitting in the FORMAL living room.

We never used the formal living room, so I guess this means Aria did what I thought she would.


Biagio looked disappointed, Luciano looked like he didn't want to believe whatever Aria told them, Victoria had tears in her eyes and Leone looked mad as fuck.

What did Aria said?

Leone looked me straight in the eyes and asked "why?"

At this point I'm confused because I expected Aria to tell some lie so they would be mad at me and so she could show me how much 'power' she has.

But she isn't here. So what did she tell them.

I looked at him with confusion and asked "Why? what do you mean why?" I decided to play along.

"Clara, don't go play dumb now. You know what I'm talking about." He practically spits out.

"Oh my god. Is this about me stealing that shirt from the laundry room? It's comfortable and big, and I needed something to sleep on because I'm on my period and I like to sleep in something big, because it's easier for me to go to the bath-" I start rambling, about a shirt I did stole last night from the laundry room.

Play smarter CC. Play smarter.

"No! This is not about the damn shirt. It's about what you did to your sister!!" He tells me angrily, at this point I can practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

What the fuck did Aria said that got them so mad?

In that moment in comes Aria, the star of the moment, with puffy red eyes and a big black eye that's definitely make up.

Damn how did those dumb fucks not noticed it was make up.

"Holy shit Aria, what happened to your eye?" I ask pretending that I believe that that was an actual black eye.

I want to laugh so hard I don't know if I can go on for much longer.

"Why did you do this to your sister, Clara, haven't we been welcoming to you? Haven't we done anything and everything to actually build a relationship with you?" Victoria says crying. I swear this woman spends her life crying at the house. Not that I think she would outside where everyone can see her weak.

Oh dear baby lucifer! They think I did this to her. I would be more classy and give her a broken nose instead.

I bust out laughing. I laugh so hard tears are running down my face. At this point I'm almost rolling on the floor. Aria's face when I start laughing is priceless.

Leone gets up and I see his hand coming, but I think he won't actually do that. But has he hand gets closer to my face, I know he was about to do just that, so I grab his hand and push it behind his back bending him down.

Quite difficult if you ask this dude has muscles and I haven't trained in a while. But like eveything, it's about technique.

"Don't ever, ever, Leone raise your hand at me. Not me and not any other woman. I will beat you inside out, brother or not." I say to him.

"And that so called mark you all think I did on Aria, is fucking makeup. I don't know how you believed it because it's not even well blended."

I see Aria trying to get out. The bitch knows she's fucked. I tsk.

"Aria where do you think you're going. Come back here." I say.

I ask one of the maids to bring me a wet cloth because I'm not about to go up the motherfucking stairs.

"That is clearly a black eye. What do you think you're doing Clara?" Biagio asks. He's the one mad now.

"If it's a black eye you won't mind passing the cloth over it. If it's legit it'll still be there and the cold water will help." I say calmly. The way I said it, he knows he doesn't have a way out. And Aria knows it too.

As I expected as soon as the cloth gets in contact with her skin the black and purple makeup come out.


" I warned you Aria. You started playing this game today. I didn't" I say disappointed towards her.

I honestly expected better from her.

She's as red as tomato sauce and has real tears streaming down her face.

"Now since you jumped to conclusions about me. This is what really happened at school today."

I show them the audio record and as soon as it's over I go to my room not even waiting for they reactions.

I take a quick shower and change into some sweats and a tshirt and call Magnum.

"Yo, do you know any skate parks here?" I ask him because I remembered him talking about some skate park today at school.

"Yup, there's one close to school. Do you want me to go with?"

"Yeah sure. I'll meet you there in 30"


I hang up and grab my skate board, airpods and phone, put my credit car in the cell case an grab some gum.

I put on my air force 1's and I'm on my way.

I make it out of the house successfully and go to the skate park listening to random songs from my spotify playlist.

In no time I'm there and see Magnum doing a few tricks on the bowl.

I whistle and he looks at me and grins smugly.


"Hey, skater boy." I say to him as I sit down. He sits besides me and takes out a packet of cigarettes. He lights one and takes a puff and gives it to me.

"Wassup, mami" He grins at me taking the cigarette back. Since today at lunch he's been calling me mami. I don't even try to change it anymore.

We spend the rest of the day talking shit, doing some tricks and smoking. At some point Nix showed up and started to play around with us.

I don't know how but it's like 11 in the night now and there's a bunch of kids here, some brought alcohol, other brought their speakers and it's just a full on party in this abandoned skate park in the middle of the motherfucking woods.

I'm not complaining though. All of my friends were here. There was no Aria or fake bimbos, it was just a good night with free buzz.

A good night.

Kind of a small chapter I know. But I wanted to upload what happened once Clara got home cuz im an impacient bitch like that.
i want to know what you think about magnum and nix....
and also what do you think about aria. she's becoming such a b¡tch.
Anyways this chapter was freaking chaotic. promise to do better next time.
anyways that it for now
peace out bitchessssss

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