chapter 20

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I woke up to my phone going off non-stop.

The girls were going off in the group chat about how I was most certainly at Magnum's house and how they had to cover for so the biologicals wouldn't find out I wasn't there.

I was laughing softly at their silliness while texting them back, when I felt someone bury their face on my neck.


"Morning darling" He said in a voice so raspy that Corpse would be jealous.

I turned and give him a peck, because you know, morning breath.

I'm not gonna lie and say that I knew what me and Magnum were now. This shit is all new to me, I'm more of a 'bam bam thanks ma'am' other then the lovey dovey shit.

But I felt like Magnum was different, I'm not gonna be all cinematic and say I feel sparks when we touch, or that I love him or even like him, but there's definitely something here and he's not like the othr guys, he's part of my friend group I can't exactly ghost him.

We lock gazes and just stare at each other. "What now?" I ask him.

"I don't know, we go and see where this leads, Clara. I'm in whatever this is if you are" He says. Welp sounds like I'm not the only one who doesn't know shit about this.

"Okay" I whisper. He comes close to kiss me but i get up and go to the bathroom. Or try to.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask not trying to hide my frustration of not knowing where it is.

He points me in the direction and I go do my thing. When I remember I don't have my toothbrush I just open all the drawers until I find one.
——— ——— ———
We were both on his car now going to my house blasting "The neighbourhood" and just having a good time.

Soon enough we arrive at the mansion and I climb my way to my room, as soon as I get there I'm bombed with questions, turns out the girls also found some candy for the night.

After lunch they go to their homes and I go to my room so I can see how the plan is going.

This part is actually the dangerous one, it's now that thr people I put on the mafias are going to change some contracts from the former leaders and shape it to our own ways. Giving me the power without anyone realising.

So I have to keep a close eye on the members to make sure no one is prying where they shouldn't.

I get the daily check ups from my guys and check the computers to make sure nothing popped up on the software .

Not that I know much about it, my friend Tomas created it, I know shit all about coding or hacking.

Some time and problems after I make my way to the kitchen so I can get something to eat.

I haven't talked much with the biologicals, honestly I don't understand their play yet. The were so adamant for me to come to Chicago with them but now they barely make any move to talk to me.

The only person who actually tries to have a conversation with me is Victoria, every meal or when we're in the same room she tries to talk with me.

Aria is well...Aria, I still don't understand her change because in Florida she seemed so happy but it's whatever. I don't have time or patience for spoiled brats.

Biagio is always away, the only actual talk I had with him was the day at the pool house when we both cleaned the glass. The guy is always studying or doing whatever he does.

Luciano is... Luciano, I honestly don't know what to think about him either. He always so happy and shit but then I saw him crying and when I came home from the school I tried to talk with him but he just pretended I wasn't there and that nothing happen so that's that.

Leone is a weird fella. He's always either in his office or out killing people or making deals. Of course he doesn't know I know that, but that sounds like a personal problem to me.

I didn't took their mafia yet because I'm playing and in some time they'll give it to me without me having to do much.

Of course there's the rest of the fam but they haven't talked about them or even mentioned them.

I'm pretty sure it's because the biologicals think one of the cousins is trying to steal their business, which they are absolutely right about.

Anyways todays is going to be a chill night because I'm tired and have a meeting with my people tomorrow and you know your girl has to look beautiful.
Hey babes
Sorry for the late update but my sister just had a baby so yk yk your girl has to be a good aunty and shit.

This is more of a filler chapter and just to keep yall posted on the biologicals.

Anyways whos ready to meet the leaders?

How's April going to you?

Peace out bitchessss

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