chapter 21

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It's 10 am and there's absolutely nothing else I would rather do then sleep until 10 pm.

I'm exhausted because I ended up watching some youtube videos about some business that are going off at the moment.

The meeting with my people I was suppose to have this morning was rescheduled in light of some other meetings.

Right now those are my thoughts as I finish pining my hair into a tight bun in the back of my head.

I finish off my look by puting my red bottoms black heels and some mascara. I would put some lip gloss but with Covid I'll wear a mask all day long so I don't see the need.

(A/N: outfit at the top)

I go down the stairs and stop at the kitchen so I can get a sandwich ready to eat on they way. After doing it and texting my driver that I'll be out in 5, I text Victoria saying I have some things to take care of so I won't be going to school.

I grab my purse, put my mask on and go out. On the way to the company I answer some emails and text the girls. They're still going on and on about Magnum's and I night activities.

I haven't talked much with, mostly because the his little sister is going to do some exchange program to Italy and he said he wanted to spend those last days before she goes with her.

I get it and honestly I don't mind. Magnum was probably the first fuck that actually meant something or was the start of something? I'm still very confused and those days are great to give me some space.

"Ma'am we're here" The driver informs me. I nod and he gets out to open my door.

At any other time I would open the door myself but today can't be one of those days.

I walk into the building like I own it, knowing damn well that every single one of those rich snoby fuckers are looking at me and wondering who the fuck I am.

My heels make a click sound on the marble floor as I make my way to the front desk.

"I have a meeting with Mr. Batinor"

The girl looks at me, the at the computer "Ms. Bianchesi?"

I nod and present my ID already knowing she needs some sort of identification before letting me talk to her boss.

Whatever makes those people sleep better at night.

Its only 11 am

Later that day

My day was spent sitting in a chair in front of stupid men who think I'm a newbie.

I get that I'm young and there are a lot of things I don't know, hell for crying out loud I'm an high-schooler.

But I have a lot of help, and I've been preparing for this my entire life, literally, every since I learned what the underworld was and what kind of power the people in it had, I became obsessed with it.

I went from being a parent less 8 year to being a 8 year old on a mission.
There isn't much a system kid can do other than look innocent and listen to every secret possible.

So while other kids were on youtube trying to find Selena Gomez number, I was hiding and learning every little secret I could.

I can't say I knew what I was getting into but I had a small idea.

People may say I'm not mentally stable or that I'm not normal, but I honestly don't give a shit.

I get obsessed with things easily, and the underworld just so happened to be the first big one.

The thrill of a kill, the blood in my hands, my face, my blades and guns was just the cherry on top of the cake.

I live for this, to see the life escape their eyes right in front of mine, to see the moment they realise they lived a meaningless existence and will be forgotten like rain before a sunny day.

So after getting my "master" plan ready, I moved on to other things, I work hard and studied harder, by 14 I had the money I needed in my bank account to fill in for an emancipation process, by 16 I had a name in the business world, of course people like Tomas and Andy were big parts of my achievements.

After all who would want to make business with a 16 year old.

Tomas was my tech guy but he was also what some would call my right hand.

Andy was something like my secretary, he organised everything and kept track of everything and everyone, that wasn't a thing in our group that happened without him knowing.

He was my eyes and ears.

But, I'd be dumb to trust people blindly, don't get me wrong I trust those two the most, but I learned to never trust anyone fully.

Andy might be my eyes and ears but I always overcheck every information that comes to me before taking any drastic measures.

The same goes for Tomas even if I'm not the biggest hacker or coding genius in the room I'm not clueless either.

My thoughts are interrupted by a ping on one of my screens that shows my fun for the night is ready!

Ah, how I've missed this!

Hi babes!

I know yall prob wanna assassinate me but I've been busy asf with school, now that we're back on regular school.

But that shall change now that my summer break is mere days away! FINALLY FREEDOM!

Anyways how are you? What are your plans for summer?

What did you think of this chapter?

Peace out bitches!
Dont go too hard on hot girl/boy summer and live your life to the fullest!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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