why did you (jenkai)

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Jennie and kai had been dating for 2 years .

Kai had deep feelings for Jennie from the very first time he saw her as a vj .
She was a sassy lady to be honest with an attitude and that's what attracted kai towards her. 

Kai proposed Jennie after 1 year of observation and hesitation , he came to the dance floor only to attract Jennie and keep a track on her .

One day kai finally proposed Jennie and she said yes .

Present day :

Kai was preparing to tell his parents to arrange for their marriage as soon as possible as he didn't wanted any more time to make Jennie his wife . Kai and Jennie had shared all their sorrows , joys , likes and dislikes , friendships and enemities together and faced all situations together which made their bond even stronger .

Kai's brother tae has married jisoo , who is Jennie's bestfriend .

Kai went to his home , to tell his parents to arrange for their marriage and they agreed , he was very happy and eager to tell Jennie this . He asked a staff of Jennie's 5 star restaurant . He said Jennie was in room 306 .

He headed to the room happily to tell Jennie about their marriage .

When he opened the door , he was stunned , disgusted , disappointed , sad , felt a pain in his chest .

He saw Jennie making out with G-DRAGON , it was not that Jennie was forced , she was enjoying it and G-dragon was sucking her body , her boobs , her pussy and having sex  and Jennie was moaning in pleasure .

The entire scenario , made kai want to die , he loved Jennie even more than his life and this was what she gave in return , a fraud relationship , broken heart , broken his trust and made him all alone .

Kai was mad , mad at himself to be blindly in love with Jennie that he never doubted Jennie when she said from the last 3 months that she's been busy , so this was what she was busy with , fucking another guy and fooling kai around.

Kai :

I'm such a stupid , such a stupid to love her so much . She was a liar , a pretender and a fooler all around , it was just that her love blindfolded my eyes .

(Crying hardly and sobbing)

It started raining and kai was fully wet in this rain , it seemed that even the sky was crying at Kai's fate .

Kai returned back home and went straight to his room . His mom came to his room to discuss about their marriage and that's when she saw her elder son crying enormously , even she felt sad because kai was a cheerful person , who always used to smile and make others smile . She went to him

Kai's mom :
Kai , what happened my baby ? she asked
placing Kai's head on her lap like a baby , he started crying harder and said " she she made me hate love , I won't be able to love anyone else "

Who ? Asked kai and tae's mom
Jennie ! She she cheated on me , said kai .

His mom got what made her son cry so hard , so she patted Kai's head and sang a song to him for letting him sleep .

Well guys , that's reality, good people are always mistreated and underestimated . They are often broken and hurt more than anyone else .

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