Sucking my property (rosekook)

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Rose was a waitress in a five star restaurant . She was not poor , infact she was from a very powerful background but she didn't wanted to bother her parents and her brother Jimin supported her by hiding the thing from them . Rose wanted to be independent and didn't wanted to use her power , she did this job only for pocket money .

Joy , Rose's friend told her to wear gorgeous dresses as their manager told that some special guest will arrive . Rose nodded to Joy . The payment was 1lakhs per month and so Rose wanted to do this job .

Special dresses were prepared for the waitresses but Rose wanted to be simple so she removed the flowers and glitters from the dress which made her look simple according to her but she still looked hot as hell . Actually Rose was studying Fashion Designer courses besides doing her job .

The restaurant was decorated in a luxurious way , it started partying there .

Jeon Jungkook was the most talented story writer nowadays and he was famous for his looks and hotness but one thing that he hated was pretentious women , he thought they were sluts if women did makeup .
But after 3 hours of his arrival at Castle Huara , he saw a simple woman who seemed to be a waitress too but she was damn beautiful and Jungkook was a very clever man so he understood that she might be wearing a waitress costume but she was from a very rich background but the thing in jungkook's mind was why would a powerful and rich young lady work here ? .

"Hmm interesting" thought jungkook .
He decided to go near her to look at her face closely and when he reached near her , he was totally shocked by her fairy-like beauty and she was tall and slim and looked like a real life snowhite even in that simple dress and she was not wearing any makeup . He was so merismerised by her that he kept on staring at her until she came to him and asked " Sir , do you need any drink ? Or do you need any help ?" .
Jungkook still didn't replied Rose and kept looking at her .
Rose waved at him and shouted " Sir , am I that pretty or are you that pervert to keep your gaze still on a simple waitress !! . One more thing is I'm not a prostitute and neither is this a place for taking good women for fucking like prostitutes ! " She left after saying her thing .

Jungkook stood there dumbfounded as no woman has shouted at him like that but it made him more interested about Rose .

He went inside the restaurant and saw Rose was going outside and he suddenly told Rose to show him the way towards washroom . Rose obeyed him as she realised that she was extra rude earlier actually she was rude because her mom had called her but she heard the party music at the background and this made Rose panic . Rose somehow lied to her mom saying that Rose put her speaker and turned on the music . Actually rose and Jimin lied saying that Rose was staying with Lisa as they both are studying the same course so it would be easier for them to be more concentrated about their career . This made Rose's parents agree to it . But Rose hated the fact that he had to lie to her parents everytime and so she felt bad and panicked at the same time when she saw jungkook staring at her and which made her blood boil even more .

Jungkook went along with Rose towards the washroom but before reaching there , he grabbed Rose's waist and pinned her to the wall . Rose was startled by him .

"So what are you doing here instead of staying in your royal palace my lady ? You didn't needed to work here after having a powerful background right ?" Jungkook smirked.

Rose replied " who are you ? Are you my stalker ?"

Jungkook smiled and said " what do you think that being a talented writer and most talked about hottie of this country , I'll need to stalk you or follow you ? Are you dreaming ?"

Rose said "Hhuh? You are a writer ? A punk like you is a talented writer , I might've never read your stories also"
Rose rolled her eyes.

Jungkook grabbed Rose's chin and squished her cheeks with his palm and kissed her lips and bit them .

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