Discoveries pt.1

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(After the mission)

"Uhm Erik, you may wanna see this!" Hank called out from his computer. "What is it?" "I did some research on those kids we found in stryker's lab and turns out they are Wanda and Pietro...Maximoff." "What!? That can't be! I thought I only had Peter who I found out about like 1 hour ago!" "Third bedroom and the right!" Hank told Erik before he had a chance to ask. "Thank you Hank." Erik ran to the room.

"Knock knock." He called out "Come in." Erik heard a gruff voice from the other side. He opened the door and saw a red head and brownish haired boy and girl sat upright on two separated beds. "Hey. Wanda and Pietro, right?" They nodded "Uh so this may seem a bit sudden and all but I- how do I put this? Your- I'm your father."

The pair were stunned to silence. "Really?" Wanda asked "Well from what the DNA tests showed, yes." "But I- just wow." Wanda laughed a little and Pietro was still in shock but his expression soon softened into a smile. "So your our dad?" "Yup." "Well then.. dad," Pietro felt wierd saying that "Can we eat? Super speed means I have a super fast metabolism." "Sure thing. I have something I have to tell you guys too."

The trio sat at the table, eating to their hearts content. "So what did you want to tell us, dad?" Wanda asked "You see, you have a little brother-" Erik was interrupted by Wanda "OH.MY.GODDDD! AGH IM GONNA HAVE A BABY BROTHER! OK breathe Wanda, breathe. EEEK!" She squealed "He isn't exactly a baby-" Yet again, Erik was interrupted but by Pietro this time "Aww come on! I don't need some kid running round stealing my stuff and cramping my style!" "Trust me, he is a lot like you Pietro. He has super speed too." "EVEN CUTER!" Wanda screeched "Wanda he's 15!" "Omg he's so LITTLE!" Pietro looked at her slightly scared "Thats only 3 years younger than you Wanda." "I.KNOW! SO YOUNG! I MUST PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE!" She saluted which made Erik laugh. "You get to meet him tommrow. His names Peter."

"Peter. Sounds like a handful." Pietro sighed "Oh he is. He is on the X-men." Wanda was impressed "At only 15. Whoa!" "Yeah! It's crazy!" Erik replied.

Erik didn't love the idea of Peter going out and risking his life at only 15 but he knew that one day, he would have to face the fact his boy was growing up and that every scar he gets will be a lesson learned. Considering Erik only knew Peter was his son about 3 hours ago, as soon as what happened, happened, he went into full parent mode. He thought he had no family left and then finding out he had his son he abandoned, and the fact that he was now dying in his arms, well that was enough to make him scream. He kept getting these flashbacks of apocolypse hurting Peter and him thinking he knew Peter from somewhere and that he felt he needed to help him and protect him more than anyone else on the team. He shook it off and continued to eat whilst Pietro and Wanda chatted about Peter.

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