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"Whoa this place is- Whoa!" Wanda laughed a bit. "Welcome back Erik." Charles came up behind them "Charles, this is Wanda and Pietro. Kids, Charles." "Hello." Wanda shook his hand. "Your telepathic too?" Charles asked "Yes why? How'd you know?" Wanda asked. Charles just shut his eyes and Wanda heard his voice in her head "Your telepathic too! You have to teach me how to do that!" Wanda squealed "One day, Wanda." He turned to Pietro "You must be Pietro." "Yeah hi." Pietro shook his hand "Super speed like your brother, interesting." "Yeah." "Oh how do you like Peter, by the way." Pietro huffed "Hes a handful." Charles just laughed "Yes yes. We figured that out too." They turned to Peter who had a fake offended expression on his face "I am standing right here!" They all laughed and Erik took Peter's shoulder "OK speedy, how about we go get packed." Him and Erik walked off up the stairs. "Allow me to show you around." Charles started to move forward down a corridor.

"Here is the schooling rooms." Charles gestured to rooms where kids sat at their desks. "Does Peter do school?" Wanda asked "When he came here, he said he dropped out so we offered him a space at this school but he said he was fine with his education." Charles stated "Wanda and I went to school. We dropped out on our last year though." Pietro replied "Looks like it runs in the family." Charles laughed "Erik also dropped out on his last year. But by the looks of it, Peter has either A) Dropped out really early on in Secondary school (Sorry i'm English. This is middle school I think) or B) Never actually went." "Theres a possibility he never went!?" Wanda asked, surprised. Charles nodded and continued to talk "This is the training rooms," The pair looked in and saw the X-men training. "Those are my most elite team of heroes. Peter is on this team." "Most elite, huh. Kids got skill." Pietro scoffed "You bet he does. Never seen anything so fast in my entire life! But he is going to be sitting out for a couple weeks, few months tops because of his injury. He may come back if he wishes when we really need him." "Yeah we heard about that." Wanda put her hands on her hips "It was stupid of him but I guess that is peter after all." "Here is the food place, meeting rooms, and the living quarters are upstairs. Now if you would follow me outside-" The trio were hit by a gust of wind "How unusual." Charles continued forward along the path. "Here we are back at the front." "Thank you Charles. That was very fun." Wanda thanked him and nudged Pietro "HM what- oh right, thanks Charles." Charles smiled at their antics "It was my honor. See you soon." Charles went back inside.

"He was nice" Wanda sighed "But now we have to wait for Peter and dad." Suddenly, they were hit by another gust of wind and a few splatters of rain. "OK this is getting strange. The forecast didn't say anything about it being windy or rainy today." Wanda exclaimed "I got a bad feeling something else follows this and it isn't just rain." Pietro shivered "Cold Pietro?" They heard a strange voice coming from behind them and spun round. Looming over them was a lady, around 24, with a black dress and black heels with brown hair and piercing green eyes. "Who are you?" Wanda asked, it coming out more like an order than a question. "You don't need to know that just yet." The lady hovered in the air, making the pair have to look up at her. She had a purple glow surrounding her body as she smiled an evil grin, sending shudders down the youngers' backs. The pair were saved when the school doors were swung open and Erik came running out with Peter "STAY AWAY FROM MY KIDS!" Erik shot a metal pole at her, causing the lady to fall and disappear in a cloud of purple smoke. 

"Who the hell was that?" Erik questioned, running over "We have no idea but before she came, it got really windy and rain started to pour down." Wanda looked over herself to make sure she wasn't hurt. "I'm just glad your ok." Erik sighed "Yeah me too. Evil creepy witch bitch can go to hell." Peter scowled, making everyone laugh. "I think we should get going." They all agreed and got into the car. 

They arrived at the house and Peter's stuff was already here. "How?" Pietro asked "I'm faster than you. Remember!!" Peter tapped his head. Pietro rolled his eyes as Wanda dragged him up the hallway to pick out their rooms. 

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