𝟓. 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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mary, hannah, and i are woken up by loud yells and screams from xolo.
how did he get in? i thought i locked the trailer...
"you're such a jerk," hannah replied jokingly.
"it's eleven o'clock sleepyhead. you can't sleep in all day," xolo added.
he walked toward hannah and kissed her forehead whispering, "good morning."

"i just wanted to ask you guys if you would want to have some sort of friendship day and come explore georgia for a bit with me and gianni. i was planning on going with jacob this morning but turns out him and his girlfriend are going to this botanical garden. so do you guys want to come?"
"i'm down," i say. i still don't actually know his girlfriend's name. everyone just refers her to "his girlfriend" which is weird.

hannah and mary also approve the invitation and from there, we get ready to go.

tanner wasn't able to go because he had to shoot some scenes with ralph and william.

after we get ready, we all head out to xolo's car and drive to wherever we're going.
"so i just found out yesterday that there's this coca-cola museum here in atlanta and i thought it looked cool so that's our first stop," he said.
"i've been here forever and had no idea they had a coke museum," hannah said.
during the car ride, xolo let hannah take the aux and she played tame impala and 2000's throwbacks.

we arrive at the coca-cola museum and have a fun time. we took pictures and looked around. we tried many different types of coke flavors and each room had its own coca-cola flavor scent.

from there, we went to an art museum and then to the georgia aquarium. finally, we ended the day at centennial olympic park where we had a mini picnic.
it was a beautiful place to relax. i'm exhausted from all the sightseeing today.

although i'm having a marvelous time with my best friends, i really wish that jacob was here. he would make the trip ten times better and even more fun. i miss him.

i wonder how much fun he's having with her.

after we finish eating at our picnic, we start heading down back to our trailers.
we arrive there and see that jacob and his girlfriend aren't back yet.

so in the mean time, we invite tanner to hang out in my trailer with us to play charades and heads up. we play cards against humanity, scrabble, and do a huge game pigeon tournament.

i'm having an overall fun time but a big piece of me misses jacob and wishes he was here to experience the fun with me.

finally, we hear a knock at the trailer's door and my heart skips a beat.

"it's jacob!," i say to myself.

i jump up from my seat and run to the door to open it.

something's off about him. he's not smiling and he's looking down at the floor. plus, she wasn't with him.

"just stopped by to grab my stuff i left here from yesterday," he says, "and then i'm heading to my trailer and going to sleep."
his voice sort of cracks and he clears his throat.
it's nine o'clock. he never goes to sleep this early.

"c'mon jacob you've been out all day, rest and hang out with us - plus we're in the middle of a game pigeon tournament c'mon," tanner says.

everyone starts to agree with to agree with tanner and starts begging jacob to stay.

"nah it's alright," he mumbled while shaking his head. his voice cracked again but this time, he looked up.

his eyes were teary.

oh no.

𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 - 𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now