𝟔. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞

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when looking into his teary and sad eyes, i see a tear drop from the corner of his left eye.

"what's wrong?," i say trying to comfort him.
i look behind me to see if i'm not the only person seeing this.
i'm not.
i see xolo, hannah, mary, tanner, and gianni's face in sad confusion staring at him.

after a brief and intense three seconds or so, xolo stands up and starts making his way to him.
"yo what's wrong jacob?," he says while putting a hand on his shoulder.
tanner, mary, and gianni start to get up and walk towards him while hannah tries to find water and tissues for jacob.

i tell jacob to sit down on my bed and he does.
me and xolo are on both sides of him, mary's right next to me, tanner sits on the floor right beneath the bed, and hannah hands jacob a fiji water with an entire tissue box.

"thank you," jacob tells her while taking a tissue.
hannah replies with a nod.

"so what happened?," i asked him already knowing the answer.

"she broke up with me."

me and xolo make eye contact and look back at jacob.

"she took me to a botanical garden for me to think that it was a date just to break up with me. she said she's fallen out of love with me and found someone else."

"who does that?" i think to myself.

"that's awful," mary tells him.
"i'm so sorry," i say holding back tears.

i was so angry at her. while looking at jacob, i can feel his pain and heartache. it's hard looking at the person i care for the most suffering and in pain.

"i'll give you some space for now," says gianni, "but i'm sorry for what happened."

mary, hannah, and tanner leave next which leaves me, xolo, and jacob alone in my trailer.

"i know you're sad and all that but i just want you to remember that you'll always have us," xolo says.
"th-th-thank y-you," jacob struggles to get out.

"well i'm going to target. want anything?," xolo asks us.
"i'm okay," i say.
"no," jacob adds.
"okay, feel better bro i'll be back."
xolo exits out of the trailer leaving me and jacob alone.

we sit in silence for about ten seconds when he looks at me.
"you know if you want to leave you can, don't feel bad," he tells me.

"this is my trailer," i tell him.
"plus, i just want to keep you company."
he looks at me again and smirks.
"thank you," he tells me.
"you're welcome," i reply.

"you can rest on my bed you know. i know how tired you are," i tell him.
"really?," he asks sort of happily.
"well yeah," i tell him.
he puts his head on my childhood cow pillow pet that i brought from home and covers himself with my red and soft blanket. after he got comfy, i made him a quick cup of coffee from my coffee machine mary gave me to comfort him. he thanked me for the coffee and then i sit on the bed again and get on my phone.

after fifteen seconds or so, i start to get the feeling of being watched or stared at.
i look up at jacob just to see him staring back at me. i look away from embarrassment and then look back again to smile. i can see that his tears have dried and he's already feeling better.
"you know y/n, you're not as bad as i thought you'd be," he said smiling.
"what do you mean?," i ask him.
"i don't know it's just that you seem to be nicer than i thought you'd be. you're an angel for doing this for me and i can't thank you enough."

angel. i feel my face go scarlet red. my stomach starts to feel like butterflies are fluttering in it and i almost forget how to breathe for a second.

i smile again at him.
"well thank you," i tell him, "anything for a friend."

after our conversation, he goes to sleep for about an hour and then wakes up to go back to his trailer. i tell him goodnight.

not so long after he left, i hear knocking at my door.
"come in," i say.

it's hannah and mary.
"hey," she started.
"just wanted to come back to visit my best friend," she said, "you know after the whole intense thing that just happened."
"yeah," i tell her.
"he's in pain right now. he really loved her."
"yeah i know, he was so excited to see her when she came but she just came to break up with him. it sucks," hannah tells me.

"how long did he stay in here for?," mary asked.
"he took a nap on my bed for awhile," i tell them.
hannah widens her eyes at me and acts funny.
i roll her eyes jokingly at her.
"so... you have a chance," she says laughing.
"hannah not the time -," mary starts.
"no leave her it's fine," i say laughing. i know hannah is just trying to lighten up the mood a little bit. plus, i can tell already that she's going to be teasing me now about jacob even more now that he's single.
"well just wanted to check in and come back," hannah says.
"i'm going to start heading to bed soon. we gotta get up early again for filming," mary says while yawning.
"yeah same," i reply.

"hey xolo and i are picking up breakfast from ihop tomorrow morning so do you want anything?," hannah asks us.
"i'll take chicken and waffles," i tell her.
"make that two," mary adds.
"okay great," hannah tells us.
"well goodnight guys."
we hug each other and head to bed.
while i'm tucking myself into my bed, i can smell that jacob left his scent on the blanket.
for some reason, his smell comforted me. i felt safe and felt as if he were here with me. before going to sleep, i pray that his pain and suffering would end soon and that he'd get better.
my heart aches for him and it hurts seeing him sad. i care for him. a lot.
finally, i doze off to sleep.

- hey guys, thank you for reading my story!! i made a playlist on spotify that sort of goes with this story called "heart eyes." if you want to check it out, my username is robertaelena. stay tuned for the next chapter <3  -

𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 - 𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now