𝟑𝟒. 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐

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we all woke up late at around ten thirty. we headed downstairs to make ourselves our own pancakes.

we all said good morning to each other and then got ready right after we ate. yesterday at dinner, we talked about doing snowboarding. that's what we're going to do today.

we didn't have to drive to the snowboard rental place because it was close. we walked a couple minutes and got our snowboards.

after, we got in the cars and drove to the snowboarding mountain place.

jacob and i got on a lift together.

i'm scared of heights. terrified of them actually. yeah i've gotten on like two airplane trips from here to georgia but that still didn't get me a hundred percent over it.

jacob held my hand and i rested my head on his shoulder.

"you scared?," he asked. i guess he felt my hand shaking.

"a little," i replied.

"it's alright," he said tightening his grip on my hand, "we won't be on this for a long time."

he put his arm over my shoulder and i rested my head against his shoulder until we reached the end.

i was so glad i got off.

we waited for everyone else and then got lessons how to snowboard. we all snowboarded down the hill, with a lot of falling, and it was a lot of fun.

when going down the lift, i was still scared but felt better. plus all the fun i had snowboarding took my mind off the fear of falling.

we took our snowboards back to the rental place and headed back to the cabin.

gianni turned on the heater again because him, mary, and xolo were freezing. it got so hot in there that it felt like a sauna and hannah, tanner, jacob, and i had to go outside.

"it feels so much cooler out here," i said.

"and to think that we were complaining about the cold earlier," hannah laughed.

"ahh this feels so nice," jacob said laying on the snow covered floor, "i can lay here forever."

"hey jacob," tanner said to him.

"what's up," jacob said.

"make a snow angel," he laughed.

jacob made a snow angel and tanner, hannah, and i joined in with him.

"mine looks the best," tanner said.

"no mine does," hannah jokingly argued.

"are you serious right now mine looks more like an angel yours looks clumpy. more like a snow devil."

hannah knelt down, grabbed a handful of snow, and shaped it with her hands into a ball and threw it at him.

tanner gasped.

"oh you wanna go?," he asked laughing making his own snowball in his hands.

he threw it at her and she screamed. this is the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life. they continued to snowball fight until mary came outside.

"you guys can come on in now we turned it off," she said.

"oh we're having a snowball fight?," gianni asked.

"well i mean.. it's really just between them two," jacob said.

"they're fighting over who made the better snow angel," i said pointing to the destroyed snow angels on the floor that hannah and tanner were standing on.

"well i don't know about you but, imma join in," gianni said.

"same," xolo added.

we all got in on the snowball fight and it was so fun. there was a point where hannah accidentally collected hard ice when getting the snow and she threw it at my face. that hurt awfully bad.

we all laughed about it and i pretended that she didn't just hit me with extremely hard ice to not ruin the moment. we were having fun and i didn't want to make it all about me.

it was golden hour now and we went and sat on the roof of the cabin to see the sunset. it was so beautiful how the golden sun's golden rays shone through the tree's branches. it was a really pretty view.

when it finally got dark, we went in and planned on watching "elf." jacob turned on the light and looked at my eyebrow in shock.

"what's wrong?," i asked confused.

"your eyebrow oh my gosh what happened?," he said touching my eyebrow.

"ow," i said. he touched my eyebrow softly but it still hurt. i pulled out my phone and swiped left to see the camera and oh. my. gosh.

my eyebrow was at least a thousand shades of blue and purple. that ice to the face really did some damage.

"oh my goodness," i gasped.

"y/n what happened?," hannah asked not knowing it was her that did it.

"i don't know, it - uh, it must've been the snowball fight," i laughed. i didn't want to make her feel bad which was why i didn't say.

"oh no, imma get some ice," she said.

"i'm gonna get the candy and blankets but i'll be back soon for you," jacob said.

everyone was getting their seat on the big sofa when hannah walked in with some ice. i placed it on my eyebrow and it felt so nice. i can almost feel the bump and bruising go down already.

jacob came in with all the blankets and candy and mary was turning on the tv.

"i saved the softest blanket for us," jacob whispered in my ear smiling. i laughed.

"how's you're eyebrow feeling?," he asked placing the blanket on us.

"better. the ice really helped," i told him.

"that's good," he said, "do you know who threw the big ice chunk at you?," he laughed.

"no but i definitely felt it when it happened. couldn't tell who though because there was so much throwing going on at the time," i laughed.

we laughed and then watched the movie.

when it was over, we all got ready for bed.

"goodnight barney," xolo told me referring to my purple skin on my eyebrow.

"haha very funny," i said sarcastically.

he laughed and then jacob came.

"goodnight princess," he told me, "i hope the swelling's down tomorrow."

"same," i said.

"goodnight," he said again softly kissing my eyebrow.

"goodnight," i told him.

𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 - 𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now