Of Akumas

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The first time she was forced to live through it, she was Ladybug and Chat Noir was struck down by an akumatized victim. She didn't care what their name was, who they were or what they were after. All she put her attention to was if he was okay.

He was in her arms and looked too weak to move, his chest rose and sank slowly as if his heartbeat was dying out. Tears streamed down the heroine's face.

This was her fault. She wasn't paying attention and he took too many hits for her this time. He always takes hits for her. She hates it with all her heart. It's as if he didn't care if he made it in the end, because she would be fine, she would live. But what he never took into consideration was how she would feel if she ever lost him.

"Don't cry over me, Bugaboo," her kitty whispered, his voice too weak to be clearly heard but his signature flirtiness shone through the obvious pain. He brought his hand to her face, wiping a tear away with a clawed finger. "You'll fix this right up in the end. Everything will be fine."

Chat Noir took his last breath, his hand falling from her face, dying in her arms. He didn't detransform, the akuma didn't come after her or attack in her time of weakness, everything just stood still. That should've been a sign that none of this was real, that it was all a continuous nightmare, but she didn't care to notice. She just cried until the scene faded, and the cycle started all over again.

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The thirty seventh time it happened, he was too out of focus to stop what was about to come.

They were still Ladybug and Chat Noir in this sequence but they were fighting Sentibug. Even though it wasn't her, Chat still was hesitant to fight her head on. She just looked too much like Ladybug and he would never bring himself to fight his lady.

Ladybug obtained the keychain containing the feather and Chat had just summoned his cataclysm when she grabbed him. The two Ladybugs both had what the other wanted and Sentibug knew that the woman who she was a copy of would give it up, she just had to push. Sentibug was stronger than Chat Noir and was easily able to aim his hand containing the cataclysm right at himself.

"Hand it over or he goes!" she commanded. "And you don't want to test me!"

Ladybug didn't believe her. Let's just say she should've. "Are you so sure about that?" That was a mistake.

Sentibug shoved the hand to Chat's side, making him destroy himself. Marinette just hoped she'd never get to see what happened and that if she did, it wouldn't be as gruesome as her dream had shown.

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For number eighty one, she was Marinette. Well, an akumatized version of her and she reigned as Princess Justice. Her earrings were already off and she was on her way to drop them off to Hawkmoth, when an alley cat got in her way.

"Marinette, please," he begged, sadness present in his eyes. She found it cute how he thought that she would give up just like that, especially to him. "This isn't you! Please, just come back to me. We can fix whatever is bothering you."

She didn't hesitate in her next move. "What's bothering me, is you!" she hissed, swinging her scepter at him. Chat quickly jumped out of the way, only using his staff in defense. He didn't want to hurt her, even if it came to it, he wouldn't do it. She was his princess after all and he'd never do anything to hurt her.

Princess Justice cornered Chat Noir on the edge of the roof of a building. His staff was lost in the fight and he was now helpless against her. He didn't know what to do next. Ladybug's earrings were in her hands, he had no protection against the akuma, and he couldn't get to her akumatized object, the lucky charm that was given to her by Adrien, tied around her neck.

"Snap out of it!" He was crying now, the tears he was trying so hard to keep back were spilling out of his eyes. He just wanted her back. "Mari, plea-"

"I'M NOT MARINETTE!" She pushed him, almost making him fall off.

He looked straight in her eyes trying to find a little spark of Marinette in them, anything that would bring her back. "Princess?" She gave him one last nudge and he fell off the building, the hard ground below breaking his fall.

The thing that terrified the real life Marinette wasn't her kitty dying, but the fact that she didn't hesitate or even care about it in her dream.


A/N - First round of nightmares down :3 Hope you guys liked it <3

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