Of Endings

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Chat Noir landed on her balcony a few moments later, although it took him longer than he wanted as he had to make a detour due to Sandboy 2.0. He scanned the area to make sure that no one was around and walked over to her skylight.

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Hawkmoth was growing restless. Ladybug and Chat Noir were nowhere to be found and Sandboy 2.0 had not seen either of them. They were going to be stuck like this unless Ladybug came back. It was the only time he wished that they both weren't defeated.

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Marinette was on her ten thousandth nightmare. All she wished for was an escape from this. For someone, literally anyone, to lift this curse from her. She's been through so much, seen so many things and has relived too much pain. She'd stop all of this if she could, but she was helpless. Without Ladybug, no one would be able to stop this. All hope was lost.

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He entered the familiar room, landing on top of the familiar bed. "Princess? Are you down there?" No answer. Chat Noir frantically stumbled down her ladder on his way to find her as quickly as possible. That's when he laid eyes on her.

She didn't look like everyone else that he had seen when he searched through Paris. She was drenched in sweat, her dark, midnight hair sticking to her forehead and the back of her neck. Marinette's eyes were squeezed shut as if she were bracing for something, but the black cat couldn't tell what for. Her body was almost closing in on itself, stuck in a fetal position. It looked as if she was beaten up by something and she was writhing in pain. Whatever her nightmare was about, he knew that it was something that he could never imagine.

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This dream was similar to those nights. She was all too familiar with those. Not the ones that contained her normal nightmares that this curse was using against her, but the ones where he would come. Those were the nights she actually looked forward to.

She was sitting in her room, sketching in her sketchbook. It was the same design that she was working on before she had fallen into this curse, and Tikki was also in the same position behind her admiring her work. Marinette heard a rush of wind on her balcony, the exact same sound as when she was awake, Tikki moving quickly to hide herself, but this time she heard the light sound of his landing on her ceiling.

He didn't immediately come inside, so she made her way up onto the roof.

There he was, leaning against the ledge. His face was full of concern.

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His face was full of concern. Chat shook the sleeping girl lightly to see if a little nudge would awaken her, but it worked to no avail. He called for her and her face stayed the way it was, but it softened a bit at his words. He doubted she heard him, but she might know that he's there with her.

He moved a strand of hair away from her face and moved her so that she was laying down on her back. The poor girl wouldn't stop shaking.

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The poor girl wouldn't stop shaking. The night was colder than usual, the air stinging her warm skin as she made her way over to him. She leaned on the space next to Chat, the cool metal of the ledge sending shivers down her spine when her arms made contact.

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