Of Hawkmoth

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The hundred and tenth time, she didn't see it happen, but she knew. She knew that he was already gone.

Hawkmoth found Ladybug at the Arc de Triomphe before she was able to get to the place Chat Noir contacted her last, the last message being sent fifteen minutes earlier and no replies to her new ones. He didn't immediately fight her, which was strange to the heroine. She thought he'd take this opportunity to get her miraculous, but he didn't. What he did do was fidget with his finger and then she realized what exactly had happened before Hawkmoth came to her.

He saw the expression on her face and he knew that she knew. Tears started to form at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill at any given moment, her hand moving to cover her mouth to hold back her sobs. There was a mixture of anger and sadness in her eyes, vengeance raging through her as she wanted to rip him apart for what he did.

"What's the matter, Ladybug?" Hawkmoth asked as the living savior of Paris stood before him shaken at the new information of the fate of her beloved partner in justice. "Chat got your tongue?" He stopped twisting the ring on his finger and moved his hand so that it was visible.

Ladybug just stood there in shock, every muscle in her body tense making her unable to move. The tears that she was trying so hard to hold back started to spill over, streams flowed down her face. "What did you do to him?!" she demanded in between sobs, reaching for her yo-yo, preparing to fight if necessary.

The villain smiled at her still not moving from where he was standing. "I think you already know." More tears started to stream down Ladybug's face. She felt as if her heart was growing heavier by the second and it was what was holding her down, what was keeping her from pummeling Hawkmoth at that very second. He was the one to take him away from her.

"He mentioned you," Hawkmoth said, noticing the behavior of his opponent. "I believe he said something along the lines of, 'Where is M'Lady? Why isn't she here with me?' It's really a shame he didn't get to see you before-, well you know what."

Marinette was just grateful the nightmare ended there.

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Hawkmoth got her and her miraculous the five hundred ninety ninth time.

They were fighting at the Eiffel Tower once again. Ladybug was knocked off the tower but was able to grab on to something just in time. When she returned to the fight, they were on a different level and Hawkmoth had Chat cornered on the edge of the railing, his baton nowhere in sight. She threw her yo-yo at the villain, but it never hit it's mark and turned the scene into a puff of smoke.

An illusion, Ladybug thought. She looked around where she was, trying to figure out where the fight was and whether or not it had moved to a different level of the tower or location, when someone had grabbed her from behind. Hawkmoth had gotten her and yanked her miraculous off, transforming Ladybug back into the bright and clumsy Marinette everyone knows and loves.

Chat Noir looked down from where he and Hawkmoth fought last. He had seen the event that had occurred before he arrived at the scene and if he was honest, he wasn't the least bit surprised about the fact that Marinette was Ladybug. They were both similar in many ways, and he had to admit he was crushing on both and was relieved they were the same person.

"Hey, Grandpa!" he yelled as he dropped down to where they were. "Let go of the little lady. You wouldn't want to know what would happen if she gets hurt."

Hawkmoth smiled at this. Chat Noir cared for Ladybug so much that he would do anything to make sure she's safe. He couldn't even recall every single time that he had taken hits for her. "Give me your miraculous and I'll make sure of that."

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