Of Her Own Doing

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Number one-thousand two-hundred and nineteen was one of the worst ones, but so many were just like it. So many of these dreams, these nightmares that she's trapped in that just never stop, are so similar to each other yet so different. The pain, however, only grew. So many times she was forced by her own mind to watch it, akuma or no akuma. So many fears that she cannot escape. So many nights longing for the only one she wants to be near when they happen, the one who is the subject of all of this.

They were just sitting at the top of the Eiffel Tower after patrol one night. No akumas, no crimes. Just them and the Parisian night sky to keep them company, even though the other was all that they needed to not feel alone. Chat was his usual self, puns and flirts flying everywhere, though sometimes he would stop and just contribute to the conversation normally before throwing more into the mix later on. Ladybug was trying her best not to hit him over the head with her yo-yo like she has done many times before, while also, "hiding a chuckle and a blush every so often, hoping that he wouldn't notice but also praying that he did", conversing with her partner.

All of a sudden, a bang was heard from beneath them, however there was no explanation for it. There was no one there but them and they would've gotten an alert. It all just felt wrong. Soon the tower started to collapse.

Ladybug caught onto a streetlight below before the tower was able to completely fall on top of her. She turned around to see if Chat Noir made it as well, but she couldn't see him. So the heroine sat there, waiting for any sign of him surviving. He was more than capable of making it out of there on his own. He definitely was aware of the situation. But all hope was lost when she spotted the black leather under the rubble.

She had never run faster in her life.

When she arrived, it was too late. After Ladybug had taken him out from beneath the Eiffel Tower she knew his fate but she didn't want to believe it until she saw it herself. And since there was no akuma, she couldn't use her lucky charm to save him and she wasn't going to risk using her powers for her own reasons. The little piece of consciousness that she had left didn't want to go through with this. She's been through this too many times before, Marinette didn't need to see it again. She knew - god did she know - he was far gone. He was always gone. And there was never anything she could do about it.

It ended with him in her arms with rain starting to pour down on them hiding her tears as they mixed in with the heavy drops falling from the sky.

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Four-thousand four-hundred and forty-four unforgiving nightmares later, and he finally shows up.

Marinette was alone on her balcony checking on her flowers when he dropped down on her railing. He was just like how he was when she saw him last.

"Chat ... Blanc?" The black leather was replaced with a cold white, his eyes a chilling, electric blue, a contrast of his bright, green eyes. These eyes looked cruel and empty as they were deprived of their sparkle that shined as bright as a thousand stars. His messy, golden locks were deprived of the sun and left a snowy white. Marinette always hoped she would never have to see him again. It was a blessing this curse had given to her but had snatched  right back.

"Hey," he replied with his usual tone however the smirk that was always present on his face was absent today. "I see the princess is still in her tower." Chat Blanc dropped from his place on the railing and stood in front of her, their faces staying only a few inches apart.

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