Kokichi stole the snacks :( ♡

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(Shuichi's POV)

As I was walking downstairs, I saw Kaede waving, and pointing to everyone else waiting for me.
"Ah, sorry for being late!" I sighed and walked over to them.
"No worries, you weren't that late!" Kaede smiled and patted me on the shoulder ew. We looked over to Rantaro, forcingly smiling and pointing to the door, as a sign for us to go.

When we got to the park, before I could even blink everyone started to split up and run around.
"Everyone, please stay together!" Kirumi yelled but failed to get their attention.
"Hey, Shuichi!" I heard a small voice from behind me, I looked over only to see Kokichi. "Why'd you bring your emo hat here? This is a park not a funeral!" Kokichi crossed his arms and snatched the hat off of me. "Sorry.." I mumbled.

(Kaede's POV)
"Hey Kaediot!" I saw Miu running up to me as I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, Miu?" "Close your eyes whore!" I tilted my head confused. "Just do it!" She started to get impatient.
I closed my eyes, clearly shaking a little. I felt something rough and cold go through my hair.
"Open your eyes bitch!" I opened them, and stared at Miu for a few seconds before speaking. "I literally can't see what you did?"
"Right, I knew that! I put a flower in your hair dummy." She looked back at me with a smile. "O-oh! Uh, thanks?" I wasn't sure how to respond, but after looking at Miu smiling, I couldn't help but smile too.

(Korekiyo's POV)
"Rantaro!" I ran over to him with an irritated face expression.
"Eh? What's up?" He put his arms behind his head. "You still owe me back for stealing my drugs whore." I sighed.
"Nah I'm too poor, sorry bro🥶" Not him thinking hes funny.. I stared at him, making his giggling go away. "I-" Before he could finish I pushed him into the pond. :)

(Shuichi's POV)
It was getting a little awkward with no one talking. "So, are you hungry? Kirumi brought us some snacks I believe."
I slipped my hands into my pockets before Kokichi shouted out


Several strangers looked at us as if we just commited a murder. I burried my face into my hands before whispering "Uh- y-yeah.."

After sitting on a bench with Kokichi beside me literally chugging down his whole Panta bottle, I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you laughing about?" Kokichi lightly smiled in confusion. "Well you literally screamed out for Panta, why was that again?" Kokichi rolled his eyes. "Without Panta I'll die! It's a me thing you wouldn't get it." I looked at him and smiled before looking away.

Kirumi: @everyone WHERE'S KOKICHI?
Tenko: What'd the degenerate male do this time?
Kirumi: He stole the fucking snacks.
Kokichi: You'll never catch me alive bitch-

Kokichi went offline

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