Chapter 2

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Hey, guys! 200 reads already?! You guys are the greatest! And Happy Valentine's Day! Even if you don't have a special someone (Yes I'm alone, but I'm alone and free). Treat yourself with lots of goodies today because you all are my #1's! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

The lights on the grand chandelier began to fade in and out, as the people in the ballroom looked around, bewildered. Then, a whirlwind kicked up, sending everyone off the dance floor, as the whirlwind became a tornado.

Suddenly, a tan bat with huge eyes by the name of Eret, sprang out of the funnel, screeching and swooping over the crowd, causing everyone to duck and cover their heads in fear.

The tornado reached its peak and exploded in smoke- leaving a man standing alone in the middle of the floor. He looked to be neither young nor old, he towered over the men in the room, his most striking feature were his eyes- which at the moment were burning a fiery yellow. He was dressed in a flowing black robe, with a satin rope tied around his waist. Connected to the rope was a glowing reliquary, a mystical lantern.

King Agdar, Queen Idun, Annalise, Rapunzel, North, Jack who was peeking out of the wall panel, and Primrose and Elisabeth all looked at the mysterious man, frightened at to what he would do next. Agdar gathered his family members at his side.

"Kozmotis!" he said. "You're alive!"

"After being shot, poisoned, and thrown into an icy river..." the mysterious man said, "Yes, I am. No thanks to you, Agdar."

"I had nothing to do with your misery!" Agdar said honestly.

"You gave the orders!"

"I did no such thing!

"Look, Kozmotis," King Agdar said. "I am deeply sorry for whatever pain those people caused you, but I swear to you that I had nothing to do with it."

But Kozmotis wasn't listening anymore. "After all I've done for your family- YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!"

Kozmotis then swung the reliquary, wrapping himself in smoke which seemed to grow larger. Eerie moaning noises started coming from the reliquary. The crowd gasped and started backing away in terror.

"The Arendelle house ends here!" Kozmotis said, looking at King Agdar the whole time he was talking. "You, your wife and children will all die within the fortnight!"

"NO!" Elisabeth shouted. She wriggled herself out of Primrose's tight grasp on her and rushed to stand in front of her father. Still holding the music box in her hands, Elisabeth's shaking hands were the only thing that gave away her fear.

Kozmotis spun towards the voice.

"We're not afraid of you!" Elisabeth yelled.

" little flower..." Kozmotis said furiously, "you'll be so much fun to kill that I'll save you for last!"

Twirling the reliquary again, the moans grew louder as Eret circled around his head. The smoke that emerged seemed to have an almost human shape to it.

Kozmotis looked at the crowd. "THIS IS THE END OF THE ARENDELLE LINE- FOREVER!"

The tornado of smoke began again, whipping into a frenzy and then exploding. The crowd screamed and tried to find some sort of protection from the explosion.

Soon the smoke cleared and Kozmotis was gone. As the lights returned to normal, the Arendelle family all stood together, and tried to look regal and in control once again.

"Don't worry, everyone. There's nothing to be afraid of," King Agdar said, trying to calm the frantic crowd.

"Did you see what he did?" one guest exclaimed. "I think that that's enough to be afraid!"

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