Chapter 19

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Hey, guys! Happy Pi Day! I hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

Kozmotis stared at the scene in his reliquary, watching his well laid plan all crumbling down. He let out a simmering growl.

He paced around the room, knocking off things in the room and cursing, enraged at the minions. Eret, nervous, faked a yawn and stretched.

"Well, I better get goin'," Eret said, inching his way towards the window. "Got a busy day letting all the blood rush to my head..."

Kozmotis pulled him back in. "You're not going anywhere, you filthy bat. There's still work to be done."

He turned his attention back to the reliquary. "She's too far away, isn't she?"

The reliquary glowed in response. Kozmotis growled and placed it back in its cabinet.

"Our power is much stronger when we're near," Kozmotis said, a slow smile creeping to his lips. "We must get close to her."

"Oh no," Eret groaned, "not a road trip. I get nauseous in moving things, you know that."

Kozmotis smacked him against the wall. "Stop your whining! We don't have time for distractions! Or is that all you're good for? Whining and talking about nonsense things!" He stomped out of the wagon, muttering how, out of all things, he had to choose a bat as his helper.

Eret slid down the wall, hitting the floor.

"You're absolutely right," Eret said, his head dizzy with the impact. "It's like they say, traveling broadens your horizons..."


Outside, Kozmotis, determined to complete his mission, leaped on top of the wagon as Eret, still dizzy, tried to catch up.

"Uh, Kozmotis? Sir?" Eret said.

Kozmotis sighed in irritation. "What is it now, Eret?"

"I think we may have a problem," Eret said, pointing to the empty reins to where the horses once were.

Kozmotis chuckled. "Oh. Well, that can be easily fixed."

Going inside, he got out the reliquary again and, whispering some enchanted words, out came four dark horses, who settled themselves in the reins outside.

"Now that's what I call fixing a problem!" Eret said as Kozmotis came back out again.

Kozmotis smirked. "Yes, I must agree with you on that. That reliquary has untold power. Useful in certain situations....

"And now we begin to hunt for Elisabeth...."

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