Chapter 18

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Hey, guys! Happy Friday the 13th once again! Mwahaha.... I'm super pumped to be writing now (more so than ever) because I just watched Cinderella! And you know what came before that? Frozen Fever! Eep! I was super excited and found all of it just amazing and adorable. I don't want to spoil it for you guys, but- *sticks duct tape on self* Anyways, I also wanted to thank you guys for more than 2,000 reads. Wow! Eighteen chapters in and we're already that far? You guys are the best! Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

Jack ran back to their compartment and grabbed his small backpack. He helped North, who was carrying Olaf, up from his seat. He pulled them out of the compartment, with both of their hands full with suitcases.

Just as they escaped, the guards burst into their compartment, ready for an arrest. Seeing the empty seats, they headed back out.

"Find them!" the guard who had inspected their travel papers shouted. "Show them what happens when they mess with the Arendelle government!"

Outside, they spotted three figures at the far end of the car.

"That's them! Come on!" the guard yelled to the others.

The guards ran and grabbed one of them.

"We've got you now!" the guard smirked, spinning him so that he could get a look as to which one of them they had caught. "You think you can escape just as easy as tha-"

He suddenly screamed. It wasn't one of the fugitives, it was...something. It turns out that the minions had caught up with the train and were searching for Elsa. That is, until the guards mistook them for the three.

The minion that the guard was currently holding was minion three, the one with a body of a bear and the head of a vulture. It let out a horrendous screech, causing the other minions to turn around and reveal their true selves. The other guards screamed and reeled backwards, pushing and shoving each other to get out of the way.

The minions, watching the guards flee, proceeded up to the corridor. Minion two, the one with a face of a woman and the claws of a tiger, spotted a girl with platinum blonde hair looking out the window, her back to them. The minion grabbed her, pulling her viciously to the other minions, despite the protests coming from the girl. She spun around to face them. Now seeing her face clearly, the minions realized that it wasn't Elisabeth.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" the woman shrieked. If she noticed the three's peculiar appearances, she seemed unfazed. "You don't do that to people. You just don't!"

She stalked off into the direction of her compartment, muttering curses and insults under her breath.

Meanwhile, while the minions were caught up in the Elisabeth mix-up, Jack and North caught up to Elsa, who was looking out the window, and grabbed her in each arm, leading her down the hall.

"Wha-hey!" Elsa said. "What are you doing?"

Both men didn't bother to answer. Instead, they kept their eyes ahead, scarily determined about something. Pretty soon, all three of them stepped out on a platform between two of the cars.

"This is not good," Jack said, seeing that there was no place left to run. The only thing ahead of them was the engine.

"Wait here," Jack said. Without any warning, he leaped up gracefully, grabbed the edge of the roof, and pulled himself up.

Elsa turned to North. "Would you like to tell me what we are-"

Suddenly, Jack's head appeared from the roof, upside down.

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