💙My Roomate💙

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Warnings: there will be hints of angst in here, there will be some smut and fluff, but overall I'm trying to write just a funny story involving one of the best boys of haikyuu.

There will be super long chapters so if you don't like that then don't read this book.
If things are written like this they are thoughts

Or if they are like this randomly in the sentences it's not thoughts it's just kinda important or something y'all will get what I mean.

There is only like 1 pre-made outfit in this book. Please just don't comment you don't like it, it's annoying when people are like tHaTs UgLy like, ok?? I'm not gonna go in and change it bc you don't like it miss pick me. Stfu plz and thanks.
All artwork used in this book: credit to all of the artists I did not make any of this.


Anyway, hope y'all like!

Anyway, hope y'all like!Enjoy!

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A beloved volleyball player,
Your roommate.

When you first started (random name) university, you didn't have a clue who Oikawa was. When you opened the door to your dorm room, and there stood this handsome dark figure, you were taken aback.

"Oh, heyo, you must be my roommate? Damn I scored on getting a cutie." He said with a wink.

'Great, a flirt.' You thought as you threw your suitcase on the unclaimed bed. "Yeah, I am. I'm y/n l/n. I hope we can get along."

"Yeah, me too. It's gonna be a long year if we don't get along." He said with a laugh.

A little bit of small talk later, you realized he hadn't said his name yet.

"Oh hey, I never caught your name. What is it?"

He looked at you kinda funny before speaking. "You're joking right?" He asked, as he flopped down on the bed.

"N-no? I apologize if you said it before and I just didn't catch it."

"No, I didn't. I'm just shocked you don't recognize my face. Do you know of Aoba Johsai high?"


"Yeah I was the captain of Aoba Johsai high's volleyball team. I'm Tōru Oikawa."

"Oh yeah? I think I know why I don't know you. Once my high schools girls volleyball team went under I kinda stopped doing anything and everything with volleyball."

"Girls team went under..say you didn't happen to go to (random name) high school did you?"

"Yeah, that was my school."

"Yeah I remember hearing about that, your school stopped funding your club so you had no choice but to disband. That sucks. I went to one of your games real early in the year, it was for a study in one of my classes."

I can't help falling in love|Tōru Oikawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now