💙Tukeys and Unknown Feelings?💙

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It's around the end of November, and you got close to a guy named Kuroo

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It's around the end of November, and you got close to a guy named Kuroo. Kuroo goes to a different universities, and you met at a science meet up after your science fair project won first at your schools science fair contest. Since the first meeting, you and Kuroo quickly bonded, and became friends, but quickly the two of you have realized that the feelings you two had, were more than friends. So, what did you two do about those said feelings? The only logical thing to do.

Date? College fling? Hook up? Horny moment?However you all wanna say it, you two are an item now.

It was around thanksgiving, and you and oikawa go out for a coffee one Sunday afternoon, and you couldn't stop gushing about how Kuroo took you on the best date you could have ever imagined. You gushed about how he gave you a rose, and took you to a fancy restaurant, and took you out on a drive after the date in his fancy new car.

You looked at oikawa who looked bored out of his mind listening to you gush.

"Anyway enough about me, how was yesterday for you?"

"Sounds like he's flaunting daddy's money." Oikawa said with a straight face, looking ahead and not making eye contact with you.

"What? No. It's not 'daddy's money' it's his money. He's a pro volleyball player, and he's making bank doing that. Besides since he's a pro he doesn't have to pay for college, so he really does have a lot of money just laying around."

"Hm. So that bastard did make it to the pros." Oikawa mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Yesterday I did homework, some assignments that were do, and then I tidied up our room since someone has been leaving her clothes all over the floor, since she comes home oh so late from her "fantastic dates", she's practically too tired to just put her clothes in the hamper. You leave them laying on the floor beside the hamper." As he spoke you could hear some type of spite in the tip of his tongue as he ranted.

"Oikawa I'm sorry..I didn't know that me talking about my dates and stuff irritated so much.."

"It's not that y/n I'm just- never mind. I need to go back. I'm sorry y/n. I can't get coffee with you today." He said as he stopped and turned around and headed back towards the dorms.

"Oh ok..see ya later Oikawa.." you said watching him leave for a split second before heading to the coffee shop.

Oikawa's POV:

Why the hell did I get so snappy? I don't mind cleaning up after her. I don't mind her talking about stupid Kuroo...

Do I..?

No no I don't mind. I'm still better looking than Kuroo. I have more fans than him. I'm better all around.

But then..why do I feel angry when y/n talks about him..?

That's it.

I pulled out my phone and called iwa-Chan.

"Hey, long time so talk huh iwa-Chan? Listen. I need some help."

——time skip——

"So..I'm in love with..my roommate? Thanks iwa-Chan..I gotta go I'll talk to you soon tho. Thanks. Bye."

I hung up the phone and stepped into the dorm room.

Iwa-Chan has no idea what he's talking about. I'm not in love with y/n. I'm just her friend. I don't view her as cute or anything. He just wants to be dumb. I'm not sure how he got into college. At least thanksgiving break starts tomorrow..maybe when I'm back with my parents I can clear my head.

——timeskip: last day of thanksgiving break——

This sucks. I feel like I never got away. This whole time I've wondered if she's eaten, if she's well, if she is keeping up with her assignments. I've thought about her smile, her laugh, the little moments we had in the dorm room. This whole time she's been running laps in my head. This is stupid. I don't know why she's in my head. I don't like y/n.

——timeskip: the next day——

I unpacking my bags, that's all im doing. Why is my heart pounding so fast? Why is the thought of her walking through that door and saying my name on a loop in my head? Why is she still on my mind?!

I zipped up my bag, and sat it at the foot of my bed, when I heard the doorknob turn, and the door open.

I was so excited for her to say my name, that when I turned around with a smile on my face

My world stopped. There she stood, her bag in front of her, and he was behind her.

"Oikawa! Welcome back! Did you have fun at your parents? I can't wait to tell you about all the fun things Kuroo took me to do over the week!"

"Hey oikawa, long time no see."

Are you serious...

Word count: 838

Thank you all so much for reading I hope you enjoyed. If you did please hit that vote button and comment below.

I hope to see everyone in the next chapter, until then I hope y'all stay safe, awesome, and beautiful.

Bye bye


I can't help falling in love|Tōru Oikawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now