💙My headache💙

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A/n: reminder:this font means thoughts.


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The next day you woke up, and Oikawa was already gone.

'Guess he had morning classes' you thought as you checked the time. 'I have an hour before I gotta leave.' You thought as you got up to get dressed.

You decided on something comfy since you didn't want to get too dressed up, it's college not prom.

(I picture something like this, but if you don't like it again please don't comment that you don't like it, you don't gain anything from it (other than being muted) and I can't know everything about all the readers that read this book so plz just ...

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(I picture something like this, but if you don't like it again please don't comment that you don't like it, you don't gain anything from it (other than being muted) and I can't know everything about all the readers that read this book so plz just go with it. Thank you.)

You went over the checklist for every class, just to make sure you're not missing anything for your first day, then finally, you decided to head out to make sure you can find where everything was.


It was lunch, and as you were heading to your car to go off campus for lunch, you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Hey! Where are you off to?"

You turned to see Oikawa. 'Greeeeaaaattt...' with a sigh you started speaking. "(Coffee shop name), why?"

"Oh! On (street name)?!"


"Good lemme hitch a ride with you then, I'll pay for gas if you want, it'll just be easier for me to do this." He said getting into the car you unlocked before turning around to talk to the bastard.

'Guess he's coming with me' you thought getting into your car, just to find him already plugging his phone into the Aux.

"What the hell are you doing?!" You screamed, making Oikawa jump.

"Ah, well I decided that listening to my music would calm us down from our stressful hours in class." He said innocently which made you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. "Fine, just don't play some shitty music." You stated, starting the car and leaving the parking lot.

What did this bitch do? He played classical music.

By the time you got at the coffee shop you were stressed out and tense. You hated classical music with a passion, it all sounded the same to you. Where's the drums where's the awesome beat?! It sounded like the same 3 cords over and over and you were sick of it. Once you found a parking spot you were quick to turn off your car and get out, and practically stomping your way across the street to your coffee shop, leaving Oikawa behind.

~~very small timeskip~~

Once you ordered you found a booth by the window and sat down. You took a sip of your drink and closed your eyes, relaxing into the plush backing of the booth chair. All was well in y/n land until you felt the table move and the sound of leather moving in front of you. You didn't even have to look up to know who just crashed your relaxing time.

"Now y/n, you didn't come here to snooze did you?" Oikawa said in a taunting tone.

"Suck a dick Oikawa." You muttered out, which caused Oikawa to gasp and lightly hit his fists on the table.

"Y/n you are a lady and ladies don't say such foul things!"

You quickly opened your eyes to stare at him as you felt your face heat up with rage.

"Oh yeah? I'm not supposed to say foul things? Yet isn't this coming from the guy who said that he came to one of my high school games to see if there was any gender inequalities? Yet here you are trying to force gender terms on me by saying women shouldn't curse. Oikawa I outta slap you." You said getting up and moving to another table. Once you moved to a table you quickly threw into some headphones.

You grew up your whole life being told that women should walk,talk,eat, and act a certain way, so once you got out of high school, you went to college, hoping to get away from those rules. Why should women act so prodigious, when men don't change anything? Society is so fucked up.

~timeskip a few minutes~

Once y/n finished her food, she got up, and left the store, knowing damn well that Oikawa was watching her like a hawk to see when she leaves so he can get back to campus.

The whole ride back to campus was awkward and quiet, and once again, you were the first one out of the car, heading to your next class.

'At least he didn't play classical music on the way back.'

~~another timeskip and its around night now~~

You sat at your desk, finishing the last bit of homework you had, when you realized that Oikawa hasn't came back yet. Where was he? Certainly he didn't have morning, afternoon, AND night classes.

Sure enough, about 20 minutes later, after you were done, and everything was put in your backpack, Oikawa came in, to see you laying on your bed with headphones in.

He could hear your music. Your eyes were closed, and your foot was slightly moving to the beat of the song blasting in your headphones. Oikawa couldn't help but stand in the doorway and look at you, just for a moment, before walking in, and noticing himself smiling. Why? Who knows.

Oikawa lightly tapped your leg. When you opened your eyes, you saw Oikawa with a bouquet of flowers, and a small bear. He avoided eye contact as you pulled out your headphones and sat up in bed.

"H-here. I'm sorry about what I said at the coffee shop I can see why you got upset. I'll make sure to watch what I say from now on." He said practically throwing the stuff at you before leaving the room, a small pink dusting his cheeks.

"I'll be back later" he mumbled before leaving the room completely, leaving you to question what the hell just happened. You placed the flowers on the table beside your bed, and put the bear beside your pillow on your bed, before using this time to your advantage to change into your night clothes, and getting ready for bed.

When Oikawa came in about an 1 hour and a half later, he found you cuddled up to the bear he gave you, sound asleep. He softly smiled before heading to bed himself.

Word count: 1074

I hope y'all liked I wanna say real fast that this book will go fast bc I wanna get a book out to y'all bc I haven't posted a book in a hot minute, so I'm sorry if that bugs you.

Anyway I hope y'all liked this chapter and if you did hit that vote button and comment below

I love you guys so much and I'll see y'all in the next chapter

Bye bye


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