💙New year,new semester,new..what?💙

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"Hey Oikawa long time no see

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"Hey Oikawa long time no see." Kuroo stated.

'Are you serious?' Oikawa thought as y/n came in, sitting her bag on the bed and sitting down on the bed. "Woah! You guys know each other?"

"Hey, Kuroo. Yeah, we used to be rivals in high school..we even went to nationals together once."

"Wow, what a coincidence that I brought you two together again!" Y/n said with a giggle, completely ignoring the awkward atmosphere between Kuroo and Oikawa.

Kuroo's phone binged, and he was quick to pick it up and read it. "Well, I gotta go. That was..Kenma he's wondering why I'm not with him to play video games with him, gotta go bye" he said quickly leaving the room. Oikawa couldn't help but have a bad feeling. Why did he have to think for a few minutes before saying kenma? If it was kenma who messaged him, his name would have been fresh in his mind..

"Aw again? We all were at kenma's house yesterday playing games.."

And with that, Oikawa quickly got his coat on and left the room, only saying a quick gotta go before shutting the door behind him.

Oikawa kept a distance between Kuroo and him, hoping to not be seen. He couldn't help but to feel like something was off. After a good 10 minutes of walking, Oikawa watched Kuroo slide into a coffee shop.

That's odd..Kuroo hates coffee...

He peaked through the window to see Kuroo waiting by himself. He knew if he just stood there standing through the window like a creep he would be spotted, so he decided to look around a few stores nearby and keep a close eye out.

Sure enough, after looking through 1 store and picking up a few items from a gas station, Kuroo was spotted with another girl. Oikawa had no clue what to do. He knew Kuroo was scummy with his stupid hyena laugh but he didn't know he was this disgusting. Oikawa couldn't burst in there and cause a scene like he wants to, and he also knows he can't run back to the dorm and grab you and come back since they look like they're about to leave any second. So, oikawa did the only thing that was left. He took a picture of them sitting in the booth together, and waited until they left to get more pics.

Thankfully Oikawa didn't have to wait long, and once they stood up from the booth, he was able to get a picture of them hugging

And a picture of them kissing. Oikawa quickly shot off before he was spotted. His heart was pounding. Was he excited? Was he scared that he could have gotten caught?

He couldn't help but to feel bad that he had to be the one to tell you. What if you don't believe him? What if he looses you?

I can't help falling in love|Tōru Oikawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now