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Sometime in the 15th century.

Waking up in the middle of a field with flowers was something that wouldn't have happened to Armin often. He found it strange that this had been the first time that anything like this has ever occurred. As his body lays on the ground, his eyes start to flutter open to see the light shining down upon his face. It takes his eyes a minute to adjust to the brightness, but once it did, he saw his best friend standing above his body.

"Are you just going to lay there? You know the ground is dirty, right?" His best friend asked with his hand out in front of him. As Armin was about to take his hand to lift himself from the ground, he heard someone call his name.

"ARMIN? EREN, IS THAT YOU?" a familiar voice yelled from behind them.

The two boys looked to see who had been calling them, and to their surprise, they saw a somewhat scrawny bald boy carrying a basket filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. As the boy was walking closer to them, they realized it had been Connie, one of the farmer boys' that delivered food to their village every two weeks.

"Hey, Connie! What are you doing here, this early in the morning," Armin asked.

"I'm surprised that you forgot Armin. You usually don't forget small things like this," Connie replied, surprised.

Armin looked back at the boy in front of him, confused about what he meant when he said that, he forgot. His best friend Eren took notice of the whole situation and told Connie that he would reinform Armin about why he had been up with a basket full of fresh crops this morning.

" We should get back home before it gets late. We'll see you soon, Connie," Eren said as he knew that the walk to their village would have taken a while.

The boys mentally cursed at themselves for not bringing horses especially since they were getting tired while walking on foot. As the sun was beaming on them they decided to walk through the forest for some shade so they won't burn and turn into some crispy bread. They walked for hours in silence, the only time that either one of them talked was when Eren almost fell down to the ground due to a tree branch that was in his way.

 As they got deeper into the forest they noticed that they weren't getting any closer to their village than they thought they were. What was even worse was that the sun was setting and soon they would have been stuck in the forest with nothing but the clothes on their bodies. As they were pushing past the leaves and branches on the floor Armin had, had enough and started to look for a flat area for him to lay on.

" Armin what are you doing we have to keep going," Eren yelled as he kept on pushing past the branches that were poking him in every place of his weak scrawny body.

"We should rest for a bit, I mean where else would we go right now? It's dark and we're lost in the middle of a forest, plus my legs hurt. Eren you should take a break, it's not even safe to walk in the dark."

" Armin we have to get back home, plus we're almost there." 

 Armin wasn't surprised that his friend wanted to keep pushing forward, even if he had been tired. None of the things that Eren usually does ever surprises Armin, especially since he knew that his idiotic best friend wouldn't have listened to him anyway. There wasn't anything else that Armin could do so he laid on the floor looking up at the starry sky above him, wishing that he was home, surrounded by his books about the ocean. As his body laid on the dirty ground, his eyes had been glued to the peaceful moon above him, the only thing that created some sort of light for him to see anything.

A couple of minutes had passed by and his eyes were becoming heavy, as he started to drift into sleep, he was suddenly woken up by someone calling out his name. Armin sat up to see who it was that had been calling him, and the only thing that he could see was Eren walking towards him with a wounded stranger. Armin quickly got up to help his friend and to see who the stranger was. When he got closer to them he noticed that it was a girl that was hanging onto Eren for dear life. 

『𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬』ₐᵣₘᵢₙ ₓ ₐₙₙᵢₑWhere stories live. Discover now