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"Here let me help," Armin said as he took the poor girl to where he had been laying minutes before.

"I found her body bleeding out like this about a mile away from here," Eren said as he rushed by Armin's side to help check on the girl.

Armin was confused and concerned as to why a random girl was out in the woods by herself, that was until he remembered that he had also been found in the middle of the field earlier by Eren. This memory caused him to wonder why he had been lying there in the morning and how he got there. After some time of thinking, he finally decided to ask his friend what had happened to him before he found his body in the field.

"Oh well, for starters Connie asked for us to help him with the farm since his parents were gone for the week," Eren said as he was still tending the girl's wounds.

"As for you waking up in the field, I assume that you had been sleepwalking and somehow made

your way to there."

Armin looked at Eren as if he was crazy but then realized that he would sleepwalk sometimes. He didn't feel like asking anything else since there was still a girl bleeding out in front of the two boys. They were almost done cleaning the wound up with a piece of cloth Eren always kept in his pocket. The bleeding was still happening so all they could do was clean up the blood that had been on the girl's legs and stomach.

Armin looked down at the blonde girl and even if she had been unconscious he was still mesmerized by her looks. He noticed how the light from the moon shined down on her soft-looking face, lighting up every feature of her. Even the night couldn't stop him from seeing how every structure of her face had been complemented by her blonde locks. He almost lost his breath because of how he was so focused on her and the beauty that she had. He never met someone like her, especially not in the village that he and Eren grew up in. Sure, there were pretty ladies, but none of them ever caught Armin's eyes, for a matter of fact no lady ever made him stop and stare at them like how he had been to the young maiden in front of him.

"It's getting late Armin, if you're done staring at her, you should rest," Eren intruded into Armin's peaceful gazing.

Armin agreed to go to sleep, so he laid down across from Eren and closed his eyes. As he was about to go into a deep sleep he was suddenly woken up by someone yelling. He sat up and started panicking only to see that the girl was the one who woke him up. He swiftly moved to her side to comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be okay, but the girl moved away from him. She then grabbed a stick that was next to her and used that as a weapon even though she knew that wouldn't have protected her from the stranger in front of her.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm not an enemy, you don't need to be afraid of me," Armin stated as

he tried to get closer to her.

"How am I supposed to believe that, for all I know you could have tried to kidnap me," She stated.

She tried to keep her guard up, but the pain in her stomach and legs almost stopped her from doing so. She tried to get up to start running, but as she put pressure on her leg, she suddenly found herself falling with no trees for her to catch herself upon. Armin took notice of this event quickly and he found himself by her side within seconds of her hitting the ground. He lightly held her by her waist making sure to put her down softly, without her gaining any more pain than she already had.

"You should take it easy, you were hurt pretty badly," Armin said.

The girl didn't try to escape this time, especially since she knew that there was no use to, due to the fact that she felt like she was getting punched in the stomach multiple times. The two both sat on the ground in silence until Armin couldn't take it anymore, causing him to break the awkwardness between them.

"I'm Armin by the way, and that person that's sleeping over there is Eren," Armin said as he pointed to his friend who was sound asleep in front of them.

"Annie," the girl spoke.

"Hmm?" Armin questioned.

"I'm Annie," she replied back.

" Annie hmm, what a pretty name," Armin whispered for only him to hear, hoping that Annie didn't hear him, but little did he know was that she did. Annie looked down to the ground and slightly smiled and blushed, from his comment.

Silence then fell upon the two strangers again, but this time there wasn't any awkwardness in the air. Annie looked at Armin mesmerized by him. She wanted to know more about him, and for some strange reason, she felt safe in his company even if she barely met him. Annie slightly moved her head so that it could rest on her knees. Her eyes slightly started gazing at the boy beside her. She noticed Armin's blue eyes shining from the reflection of the moon. As her eyes were still upon him, she wondered why he and the other boy, Eren, had tended to her wounds; she was merely a stranger to them, and yet they helped her. She didn't realize it yet, but she found herself lifting her head up to look at the moon and smiled.

Armin noticed though, he noticed the light in her eyes and how her lips curved up in a smile. The boy found himself smiling at the girl next to him. His smile stayed there as his body laid down on the ground so he could get some rest before the morning hit. He took one last look at the girl in front of him and finally shut his eyes.

『𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬』ₐᵣₘᵢₙ ₓ ₐₙₙᵢₑWhere stories live. Discover now