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"Annie are you doing okay, you have been awfully quiet since we left," Mikasa asked, worrying about her friend.

"Yeah." Annie quietly replied back.

Mikasa knew that the princess had been thinking about the village boy, but she didn't want to bring up anything that might cause her to be upset. After that brief conversation, they both didn't talk for a while, due to the fact that Mikasa wanted Annie to have her peace without being interrupted. The two maidens arrived at the castle by nightfall and had been greeted by the guards. As they made their way inside, they heard a cheerful yell coming from the dining hall that was across the room. The loudness didn't scare them as much as they thought it would have, but even so, they were wondering what all the commotion was about.

As the two opened the tall doors they were horrified by what was in front of them. Their eyes stared in horror, seeing that the dining hall had little to no food at all, which was something that wouldn't occasionally happen. As the two stood there frozen like a statue lost in thought, they were suddenly pulled out of it when they felt a pair of arms attacking them from behind.

"I've missed you two so much," A brunette girl said while almost suffocating the two maidens in front of her.

Mikasa looked down to see that the girl had some food around her lips as she smiled. She laughed a little while taking a handkerchief out of her pocket to clean the mess off the poor girl's face.

"My, My Sasha, I thought you would have grown out of your silly self while I was gone," Mikasa giggled as she put the handkerchief back into her pocket

" I mean you were gone for two days, it's not like I could have changed that quickly," the girl retorted back at Mikasa.

All Sasha did was smile and nodded, as she dragged the two girls away from the dining hall. Sasha had missed the company of the two girls that just arrived back at the castle, and at that moment all she could think about was that Annie had to marry Bertholdt even if she didn't want to. Sure, he was a nice guy, but he didn't seem like the type of person for Annie. Sasha knew that her friend needed someone who was kind, intelligent, smart, and overall someone she could trust to be by her side. As she dragged Mikasa and Annie through the halls she suddenly came to a stop when she heard a strange noise coming from Captain Hanji's office.

"What was that?" Sasha yelped.

"You're imagining things Sasha, now if you could let go of my arm I need to take a bath," Annie replied. Sasha didn't want to argue with her so she let the princess go while still keeping a tight grip on Mikasa.

"Thank you, now if you don't mind I will be going," Annie bowed.

Annie was then left alone in the dark hall with stains all over her. She was still in pain, but she pushed past it because she felt like she didn't need a doctor to check on her, since it was a minor injury that was caused by her hitting a sharp rock. The princess looked down to the floor, to see that the moon was creating a form of light for her to walk in. Her eyes looked up at the bright thing and started remembering the two village boys that had kept her occupied in the forest. She wanted to talk to Armin like the night before they separated, but she didn't think that there was any way for her too. That was until she remembered that Hanji would go help Levi occasionally at the Shiganshina district, meaning that she could possibly know Armin. She slowly made her way to captain's office, and when she opened the door, she heard some arguing coming from a corner.

"Tch, do you always have to keep breaking tables Hanji?" someone stated.

Annie looked over to where the voice was coming from, and to her eyes, she saw Captain Levi and Hanji standing beside a broken table.

"That wasn't all me, you're the one who made me break it. I- Oh your majesty" Hanji quickly stated as she saw Annie at the door.

Levi noticed as well, causing him to bow down quickly. His eyes gazed to the side and saw that Hanji wasn't showing any respect to the princess what's so ever so he thought of the first thing he could do and kicked the captain beside him in the leg. What he didn't know was that instead of lightly kicking her, he had accidentally kicked her too hard causing her to yelp in pain.

"OW THAT HURT YOU 5'2 CLEAN FREAK," Hanji yelled as she quickly went back to her standing position.

"Tch, at least I wasn't the one who broke the table, four-eyes."

"FOR THE LAST TIME, THERE WAS A COCKROACH," Hanji retorted. The two kept bickering as Annie just stood there unfazed, wondering how long their banter would last.

"If you two are done, I need to ask Hanji something," Annie interrupted.

Hanji suddenly shot her head up to look at the princess in front of her, indicating that she had her full attention.

"I was wondering if you by any chance knew where a boy named Armin lives," Annie asked.

"Tch, I know you're the princess and all, but do you expect to find a lover, while you're standing here looking all musty. Who are you trying to be, Eren Jaeger?" Levi stated.

"Who?" Annie asked, not knowing that Levi met Eren, as in the one she met in the forest.

"Eren Jaeger, doctor Grisha Jaeger son," Levi plainly replied.

'By any chance does this Eren Jeager you know, live in the Shiganshina District?"


"Oh does our little princess have a crush on this Eren Jaeger!" Hanji exclaimed.

" Not Eren. It's actually his friend that caught my interest," Annie stated awkwardly. She then went on to finish her sentence " May I write a letter for you to deliver captain?"

"Fine, but write it right now. Also, make it quick, we have to be somewhere soon," Levi muttered quietly.

Annie quickly nodded and grabbed the nearest sheet of paper by her side. She lightly dipped her quill in the ink and started writing down everything she wanted to say. A few minutes later she finished and handed the letter to Levi.

"That will be all, thank you, Captain," Annie lightly curtsied and left the two captains to themselves.

"We should head out to deliver this love letter now, or else we miss Prince Bertholdt's return," Hanji softly said. Levi nodded and to that the two captains left the office to get their horses and venture off to the Shiganshina District.

『𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬』ₐᵣₘᵢₙ ₓ ₐₙₙᵢₑWhere stories live. Discover now