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We walked beside each other with intertwined hands, As Sana held my hand tightly and tightly when minutes passed, i gripped the sling of my bag more tightly than ever. I was panicking deep inside, it's been so long that i held her hand, It felt new to me, but holding her hand really fills me up.

My heart, as usual beats like it's racing to the Moon.

I wanted to hold it tightly too, but i knew that it would be a bad move if i did so. So both of us just walked quietly, My mind kept bugging me about earlier.

If Sana teared up, what the hell did michael say to her? If i catch that asshole again. I'm going to fry his butt! Oh mark my words.




"What's with you?" Sana cackled, As she laughed all of a sudden, i quickly gazed at her "What?" I asked confusedly still processing what just happened "You have been making faces while we were walking" Sana added


Oh shit


I chuckled in embarrassment and tried to come up with an excuse. I mean, i don't want to ask her what happened between her and Michael. I'll probably make her uncomfortable " I was just uncomfortable with something, it's nothing to worry about " what a lame excuse

" Uncomfortable with what? Me Holding your hand? " Sana stopped in tracks, ofc making me stop too, her eyebrow went upward out of curiosity.



Sana's face looked disappointed for some reason. I took a deep breath, i opened my mouth to say something polite to change her mood but what came out was




"No that's not what i meant, i like holding your hand I'd like to hold it for the rest of my life to be honest"




Wait what hell,.. did just really came out of my mouth. Oh no, wait no. My attention was all in Sana. I could she that she was astound by what i said. As am i , My face flushed red

"N-no, wha-.. i meant is that i didn't like to hold your hand, w-wait no! That's not what i meant. I don't like to hold it..err.. F-for the rest of my life!"
I tried to disapprove but the words that i wanted to say didn't came out right. In fact, Sana was just looking at me and it was embarrassing!.

I let go of her hand and tried to wipe my sweaty palms, Finally, gathering all my courage. I turned away " Just don't get the wrong idea.." it was all i can say.


I took small steps waiting to heat Sana's footsteps. But my mouth gaped





"Y/N you forgot something" Sana spoke "What?" I replied. Her hand, i watched her hand reached into mine. And in instant it was already intertwined

"You said you wanted to hold it for the rest of your life right?"

I gulped

"Because i wanted the same thing too, I'd like to hold your hand for the rest of my Life too"






I slapped her hand away, flushing like a tomato now, i complained "Sana can you stop it! I-i meant I'd like to hold it but not for the rest of my life! "

"Then hold it now, you said so yourself " She smirked, Is this girl seriously flirting with me? I turned a heel and started walking away from her as fast as i can. "Y/N! " she shouted

I ignored

Until i stumbled on my feet while walking, this crazy girl just jumped on me. She held my stomach tight " I won't move until you hold my hand!" Sana frowned as i heard.

"Sana get off!"


"People are staring at us!"

"Not until you hold my hand!"

"What's up with you and hands!"

"Like i said! I want to hold yours too!"

I don't know what was happening, for a minute there i was just walking with her all nervous and panicked, flushed in red. Now I'm on the ground with her holding my waist. Life sure is full of surprises. Seriously, in the middle of the street, We are fighting about holding hands. I'm about to go crazy!

I sighed in defeat " Fine I'll hold it!" Sana cheered in victory and got down on my back. I stood up and fixed myself then grabbed my bag on the floor and Sana's.

After doing that, i reached my hand towards her and she gladly accepts it. I pulled her up, close to my body just enough to feel her tenderness again. My eyes fixated in hers, while her mouth formed into a soft smile " Let's go?" She whispered, i nodded and held her hand tightly as she held mine as well

During those minutes, all i could think off was " we are not the same, and we will never be thos old times Sana "







"Thank you for being there for me." I hummed in reply "Can i sleep at your apartment for now?"


I glanced at her "Why?" Shocked by the sudden request, My mind burst with thoughts wondering why. "Like old times Y/N, do you remember when we'd walk home from school. I'd stay at your house every weekends and we'd play alot?" Sana chuckled. While i..

I guess i was hurt.., remembering it, just remembering the smallest details with Sana, I've always remembered how it was so painful when she just pushed me away like that. But.. that's why I'm here,.. is to face everything and try to move on

" Y/N i know tha-"

I don't want you to explain Sana, I kept repeating it to myself. This is the present now. We both can't keeping going back there. I know how badly ylu want to explain yourself Sana but i still can't handle it.. our friendship the promise.. everything Sana..

I'll keep repeating this words until you know what I'm trying to say "Don't worry about it, i think.. it would be a great idea Sana "

Oh how badly i want you Sana..

A/N: 🥲

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