Chapter 23

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|Time skip|

When Christmas break rolled around you and Harry went to Sirius place and well you heard what happened to Mr weasley and how Harry could see it which you said see your even more of a freak, which Harry usually laughs but he didn't which confused you he knows your joking and don't mean it, he's not acting himself much

Harry tells you everything that happens when you aren't around

As mrs Weasley handed you and Harry a present you see Sirius and wave to him and he waved back

"Ha mine looks cooler then yours." You say and Harry laughs

"Ok y/n whatever you say." Harry says and you grab his glasses off his face and he looks over annoyed he hates when you do that and then pretend to be confused where his glasses went

Harry pulls your hair and Sirius laughs and walks over "You know good one with the glasses y/n but next time put them in his hand as he's angry and won't realize it." Sirius says and you nod

"Ah thank you I would have never thought about that." You say and Sirius laughs

"Did the same thing to James he hated it too." Sirius says and you laugh too as you smile

Harry asks for his glasses back and you hand him them

"Ok here just know I'm the better twin Harry." You say and Fred and George laugh

"Man they are such different twin siblings then us Freddie." George says and Fred nods

"Yeah they are it's really fun to watch let's go grab popcorn." Fred says and you and Harry laugh

"Maybe she's just an idiot and that's why." Harry says and you shrug

"Or I'm just better and you don't wanna admit it because then you gotta admit your a loser." You say and Harry rolls his eyes

"Yeah you wish I was a loser only loser here is you." Harry says and you shrug

"Ok four eyes." You say and Harry sighs

*Honestly this is gonna go on forever and no one is gonna win no point in even trying but I will get the last insult in I don't care!*

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