Chapter 50

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It's been 2 months and finally you go to the room of requirement and go to the room

And Draco had followed you to see what you were doing since you were trying to not be seen, so he thought you were gonna be meeting some guy

But no he realized the one day he wasn't gonna be in that room you went there

Well now he can ask you why you cheated on him

He walks in a few minutes later to see you grabbing stuff you left which he makes a noise to show you he's here

You turn around and sigh "What you want Draco? Come to hurt me even more." You say and he was confused hurt you? You hurt him

"Could ask you the same thing." Draco says and you looked shocked which confused him

"I didn't do a thing your the one that broke my heart." You say and Draco looked extremely shocked you said that

"So to make yourself feel better you gotta make me a villain huh?" He says making an annoyed sound

"I guess I could say the same thing about you. Like you break my heart then start saying I broke yours? Wow." You say and Draco the decides he'll just ask if he ever wants to move on he'll need to know what he did wrong in the relationship to make you cheat on him

"Why did you cheat on me?" Draco says and you gasped shocked that he said that

"No you cheated on me don't put it on me Draco to make yourself feel like a good person! Like what did you finally realize you didn't want someone like me? And you wanted someone like Astoria greengrass?" You say and Draco looked confused what? Why would he want someone like Astoria? He doesn't even know her

"Daphnes little sister? Why would I want her?" Draco asks and you roll your eyes

"Maybe because you were snogging her in the middle of the hall way? Sorry my dad didn't fall in love with another pureblood! And fell in love with a muggle born making me and my brother half bloods, If you didn't love me anymore you could have just said so! Now stay away from me." You say grabbing all your stuff and running out and Draco stopped shocked

*Wait what? I don't understand I cheated on her? No I saw her snogging that guy, I was too heartbroken to go up to her and ask her what's going on, but when I saw her walking in the halls later I decided I'm gonna have to break up with her, like she looked into my eyes and kept snogging with that stupid guy I hate him! But why does she think I cheated on her? Also I don't care she's not pureblood I wanted her even though she's not I stopped caring about blood once I started dating her*

Draco watched as you run over to Harry as he passes by and hugs him and Harry hugs you back and Harry sees Draco and looked scared then

Draco knew Harry hated him with you so what did Harry do something to break you and Draco up?

*He wouldn't have would he?*

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