Chapter 82

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Harry had overheard Draco talking to himself

"Ok no that's stupid she'd know I rehearsed this if I say that." Draco says and Harry opens the door and sighs

"Ok so what you planning for my twin?" Harry asks and Draco sighs

"I'm gonna propose to her! Help me! You know her so we'll help me potter!" Draco says and Harry was shocked

"Didn't you already do that?" Harry says and Draco sighs

"Me under a truth potion doesn't count! How can I propose to your sister! Tell me!" Draco says and Harry shrugs

"I don't know how the hell am I supposed to know, I know nothing about relationships I'm terrible at them if you haven't noticed!" Harry says and Draco sighs

"Tell me what your twin likes!" Draco says and Harry sighs

"Shouldn't you know?" Harry asks and Draco nods

"I do just you know things I may not know!" Draco says and Harry sighs

*Who knew that one say I'd be helping Draco malfoy propose to my sister, not how I wanted to spend my day but ok I guess* Harry thinks but then you walk in very confused what's going on and they both look at you

"You know what not even gonna ask." You say as you close the door  and walk off

You just sigh

*Honestly don't even wanna know if this is some weird becoming friends ritual I just would rather not know or understand what's going on, if Dracos killing my brother well the less I know the less I can say at Dracos court hearing* you think as you walk over to Sirius and tell him and he laughs

"Huh well time to be nosey." Sirius says and you laugh as he walks off to go and find out what Draco and Harry were doing

You let out a sigh as Dobby walks over like after the war Dobby kinda just been following you, like you asked him what's up and he said

You've been the nicest to him and now he wants to help you and stay with you since you've only been nice to him and treat him like a normal person, honestly hey he can do whatever he wants you're not gonna stop him

And well Dobby did help you hide out during the war, and he stayed and protected you, which he didn't have to but he did and he kept an eye on Draco for you in the castle when you couldn't be there

*You knows it's been really quiet I wonder if they are all dead*

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