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Harry's birthday seemed to come at them instantly, and the Founders had been in a flurry to make sure their plans would be able to be set into motion. The greeted the bouncing birthday boy with a huge "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and the Great Hall draped in shining banners and streamers for decoration and a tale weighed down by the presents.

"Happy birthday, Snakelet," Salazar repeated, leading him over and pushing his large pile of gifts over swiftly.

"This is amazing! I can't believe I'm eleven."

"I know, it has come by so quickly," Helga sniffed.

"Such a grand age, your first step into wizardry," Godric announced proudly.

"Begin with your presents, Harry," Rowena insisted with a smile, "Then we may begin with the celebratory breakfast."

Harry needed no more encouragement, tearing at his presents with vigour and exclaimed at all the wonderful items he received, His absolute favourites included: a set of beautifully hand-stitched dagger holsters, charmed to grow and adapt to his movements and ageing, and a book of personalised transfiguration and defensive spells from Godric. A gorgeous golden eagle quill and ink set, with blue ink and bronze castings, and a journal of personal Arithmancy and Runes from Rowena. A stunning bottle green cloak, with a black silk lining, with black fastening and hand-stitched snakes along the trim, a breathtaking elven carved recurve bow made from yew, along with a dragonhide back quiver filled with ebony arrows, and a copy of her advanced wards and protection spells from Helga. Finally, from Salazar, he had the man's journal filled with potions and spells written in parsel, a lovely silver locket that has three small emeralds and the Slytherin crest on it, and Salazar presented him with a beautiful dark green and black snake, around the length of the man's arm and no more than two inches thick. She was introduced as Aressa, and Harry was given strict instructions to look after her-not that anyone doubted that fact.

After the house elves had taken all of his gifts, Harry got to spend some quality time with all of the Founders up until lunchtime, then they parted ways and Harry first went with Godric, who took him flying on brooms in the beginning and then he let Harry go around the castle and lake on Hercules, his Griffin. When he had fully windswept and flushed, Godric took him inside to see Helga, who had been called away to deal with a pregnant kneezel. Harry was lucky enough to help with the birth and together they got all of the adorable little kittens tucked away with their mother.

Harry got cleared up and rushed off to Rowena, where she challenged him to the Philosopher's Game, which she soundly won at repeatedly, and Nine Men's Morris, which Harry managed to win most of. She ushered him off to Salazar, who was waiting for him to go to his Chamber. Harry introduced his new snake to Aphelia, who hissed her approval before winding herself around him and complaining about Salazar's supposed neglect. Harry thought it was hilarious, especially given the fact that the Slytherin Founder was known for spoiling the young basilisk. When dinner finally came around, Harry walked with Salazar up to the Great Hall and the boy was delighted to see Merlin, aged and bearded, in attendance.

"Happy Birthday, young Harry," He said to the boy with a smile, Harry beamed at him and happily accepted the few gifts he was given.

"Thanks, Merlin," He returned, admiring the Journal that Merlin had given him, which was a description of his life-right up until his death, which Harry thought was monumentally weird. They all sat down together to eat dinner, and the house-elves presented a huge cake for dessert, where Harry cut the first piece as it was his birthday.

"Now," Merlin began, quieting the conversations going on at the table, "We have not given you all that we wish to just yet."

Harry looked at him in shock before a smile lit up his face.

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