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The rain had dried off by the time they had gotten off the train. Two hulking beasts for children appeared before Draco and cleared a path for the blond to walk through, Harry didn't like to turn gifts down and moved with him to avoid the crowd. A giant of a man was yelling for the first years, cheerfully fawning over Rosina when she went up to him, and then leading them down to the boats. Harry smiled in remembrance, Godric had taken him on the boats first. He climbed in, sitting next to Draco and keeping his mask in place, the other boy was doing the same. As soon as Harry caught sight of the magnificent castle he felt as if all the stress and tension that had been building since he first met back with his parents was washed away.

To see her, still standing in her glory and her beauty, her magic saturating the entire area and making Harry's own sing, it was better than any words could describe. They were introduced to Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor and Transfiguration teacher, who led them into the entrance hall and Harry nearly beamed when he discovered hardly anything had changed. It was more worn, and there were many more portraits, but other than that there was no difference. Hogwarts was still standing proud. They were given a small speech of Hogwarts basics and what to prepare for before they were left alone for a moment. Harry did get a bit of a surprise when a group of ghosts floated through the wall, he had never seen any ghost in the castle before. When the Professor returned, they were led into the Great Hall and Harry immediately looked up to the ceiling, smiling when he saw Row's amazing spell work still in place.

He couldn't wait to find her workings for it, he wanted to try it for himself. Harry nearly gaped when Professor McGonagall put Julius down on a three-legged stool and he burst into song; he had become a sorting hat? Harry very nearly laughed out loud at that. Julius had been created as a joke, a hat that made decisions because Godric never seemed to be able to. It had been Helga who had originally created him, and Harry honestly couldn't believe he was still going. The Founders were truly incredible. Harry cast his eyes around the hall, taking note of the similarities and differences from what he was used to before he turned his attention to the top table. It wasn't as decorative as the Founders had presented, but the huge Hogwarts banner was hanging behind like it always did and the Headmaster's chair was still large and throne-like. The only difference was the man sitting in it.

He had long white hair and a long white beard, an aged face and half-moon glasses that covered, but did not remove from, twinkling blue eyes. Harry felt his lip curl; the great Albus Dumbledore. Harry moved on, spotting his mother and father sitting together, a man in a purple turban and then he stopped, his eyes widening slightly. He was older than he remembered, but the time that past didn't actively show; his Godfather looked handsome and somewhat roguish as ever. Right next to him was his uncle Remus, a scar on the left side of his face adding to the strong image he seemed to hold. Harry shook himself out of it, he had to focus on the sorting and then he would worry about his Godfather and uncle. He just had to stay calm for a few more hours.

Harry wasn't the only one surveying the room. Up at the top table, one man was critically eyeing the new arrivals with a sharp eye. Sat next to Sirius Black, Severus Snape easily picked out his Godson, the Malfoy hair glowing in the candlelight. He watched Draco be called and enter his House before the hat had even touched his head, he nearly rolled his eyes at the smug look that came to the boy's face and he pranced, much like his father, over to the clapping Slytherin table. There was a boy, the one he was sat next to, clapping for him also, and Snape's eyes narrowed; he couldn't place the child. He dismissed him as being a Muggleborn, Draco knew tolerance through Narcissa, but he wouldn't have befriended one unless there were extremely extenuating circumstances. They reached the P's and Snape felt the automatic sneer of disgust curl on to his face when he heard the name "Potter" be called out, just waiting for the jumped up brat of a girl to flounce up.

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